alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user bigmtnskier
bigmtnskier (26)

3D Spring Gallery

A gallery I made entirely with code. Everything about it is drawn and controlled by Actionscript. The images are populated by an XML file for easy use. There are some tiny depth-sorting issues that appear after an image has been loaded, but they aren't too detracting (I think).
The project was made with FlashDevelop, so it might be kind of tricky to get working in the normal Flash IDE....
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15135 downloads, 60341 views
Download (1.45 MB)


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user naveen863
naveen863 15 years ago

amazing cool

user cafaidy
cafaidy 15 years ago

it so amazing, men your are a master;-)

user elod235
elod235 15 years ago


user axolote
axolote 16 years ago

How to get that gallery on flash work? need some help im new on this i love this gallery !

user Karo
Karo 16 years ago

O my God Common man you gonna kill me this is amazing

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