alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user bigmtnskier
bigmtnskier (26)

3D Spring Gallery

A gallery I made entirely with code. Everything about it is drawn and controlled by Actionscript. The images are populated by an XML file for easy use. There are some tiny depth-sorting issues that appear after an image has been loaded, but they aren't too detracting (I think).
The project was made with FlashDevelop, so it might be kind of tricky to get working in the normal Flash IDE....
more >
15135 downloads, 60345 views
Download (1.45 MB)


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user naveen863
naveen863 15 years ago

amazing cool

user cafaidy
cafaidy 15 years ago

it so amazing, men your are a master;-)

user elod235
elod235 15 years ago


user axolote
axolote 16 years ago

How to get that gallery on flash work? need some help im new on this i love this gallery !

user Karo
Karo 16 years ago

O my God Common man you gonna kill me this is amazing

user chimopo
chimopo 16 years ago

//so amazing

user zeno00
zeno00 16 years ago

<very cool/ indeed>

LFRYARTGUY 16 years ago

this is very cool..

user jotaklaus
jotaklaus 16 years ago

I liked it very much this photo gallery, but
I am not able to operate here, anyone can post to me as the Action Script set to work.
is here with this error, "The property being referenced does not have the static attribute."
I use it to boot, "var FirstPerson: Kallery = new Kallery ();"
please help me staff.
post the script comments..... thanks

user Joro
Joro 16 years ago

this is realy good!

user juststeev
juststeev 16 years ago

empaposo: YOU ARE A STAR!! I followed your instructions and Hey Presto! it works like a charm!

Thank you very much - your instructions were perfect, and the English was great.

Thanks again my friend :)

user emapaposo
emapaposo 16 years ago

When I compile the .fla y makes me a Kallery.html there you have html code... after that, YOU HAVE TO REPLACE the newswf with oldswf (the one that we download from here) so you have the same bgcolor as you have in the oldswf, search in the html code for

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.c om/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/ version=8,0,0,0','width','550','height', '400','align','middle','src','Kallery',' quality','high','bgcolor','#ffffff','all owscriptaccess','sameDomain','allowfulls creen','false','pluginspage','http://www','movie' ,'Kallery' ); //end AC code

there you have (...) 'bgcolor', '#ffffff', (...) change the hexa :) rar.html
there you have an example of the gallery in html

again sorry for my english :P goodluck

user juststeev
juststeev 16 years ago

Hey there emapaposo :)

Thanks for the advice, but when I compile the .fla to .swf and then preview, I only get the writing - no pictures. And forgive me for being stupid, but what html code?

Thanks again for your help (and your English is good mate!)

user emapaposo
emapaposo 16 years ago

all you have to do to change the BGcolor is:
1) edit the BGcolor in the *.fla
2) compile
3) paste the html code of the *.html in your page... thats all

sorry for mi english

user zoeyspriggan
zoeyspriggan 16 years ago

this is amazing!!!!!

user juststeev
juststeev 17 years ago

Hi there and thank you, this gallery is amazing. I have just one question: How can I make the background black instead of grey? It would fit perfectly in my web site, excpet for the background.

Many, many thanks again :)

user badboykilla
badboykilla 17 years ago

nice 10x...looks awesome..keep up the good work

user mustafakont
mustafakont 17 years ago

good. does this support XML??

user SallenderUndone
SallenderUndone 17 years ago

very nice mate!, love it.. would have to be my favorite as of now.. :P my other one i liked the guy didnt do a very good job on his scroller when the page was above a certain width/heigth.. so ti was gay :P .. but anyways..very nice!! :) 12/10

user duncanp
duncanp 17 years ago

Is there a chance I can make more columns??? any info on column/rows and spacing would be helpful...thanx

user duncanp
duncanp 17 years ago

Excellent Gallery! well done bigmtnskier!! best on ffiles... One question: how do i make the background transparent?

user anarchy
anarchy 17 years ago

this gallery is awesome although there is a slight flaw
......... when you click on an image and then return back to the main screen. the rollovers dont seem to look as sharp.

looks like there as code issue that isnt working well

keep up the shithot work tho

user t3webdesigns
t3webdesigns 17 years ago

is this written in AS2 or 1?

user jahora
jahora 17 years ago

Thank you ! How to change the bg color for white??

user laszloigor
laszloigor 17 years ago

may you need my email address : [email protected]

user laszloigor
laszloigor 17 years ago

Hi, it is a really great gallery. I am an artist who makes his own site by himself, I find this gallery just perfect for my art works. I would like to change the swf file size for 1300x700 px, so I downloaded the fla, I changed the size but the fla file is empty. When I make the new swf with it, it does not show the gallery anymore. It is normal as there is no any script who calles the AS files into the swf. Can you pls help me, I am desperated totally. How can I get the complet fla with AS ?
Thanks, Igor

user road85
road85 17 years ago

very nice bouncing effect also :)

user jing1
jing1 17 years ago

Great job

user myzeke
myzeke 17 years ago

woww....congrulations,goodly working...

user JFMcquade
JFMcquade 17 years ago

A little too springy for my liking, but I cant really fault you for anything else

user spyglass
spyglass 17 years ago


user rinorengi
rinorengi 17 years ago

its fantastic

user shashank
shashank 17 years ago


user Marto
Marto 17 years ago
