bigmtnskier's profile

Member since 04 Oct 2005
Comments posted 0
Total files submitted 26
Average rating Rated 42.5 of 5
User website no website

Submitted files

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Mouse-easing Button 2

Mouse-easing Button 2

Here is a little modification to the previous file I posted for someone on the forum. It is a button that eases towards the ... Rated 4.4 of 5 1672
Mouse-easing Button

Mouse-easing Button

Here is a quick five-minute project for someone on the forum. Rated 4.4 of 5 1327
Pswarm Particle Swarming 1

Pswarm Particle Swarming 1

Here is the beginnings of an experiment in Swarm Intelligence (SI) I'm working on. For those of you who don't know, SI (no, n ... Rated 4.7 of 5 1757
3D Spring Gallery

3D Spring Gallery

A gallery I made entirely with code. Everything about it is drawn and controlled by Actionscript. The images are populated by ... Rated 4.6 of 5 15135
Tree Menu

Tree Menu

An XML-driven tree menu. It can handle as many subcategories as you can possibly throw at it; and it is pretty customizable. ... Rated 4.6 of 5 5271
Snowfall 2007

Snowfall 2007

Move your mouse around to alter the x-velocity of the particles. Happy New Year everyone! Rated 4.2 of 5 2592


Here is an elementary particle effect. It's really simple! Happy New Year in advance! Rated 3.9 of 5 3620
Abstract Blooming

Abstract Blooming

Here is a little effect I came across when trying to make a firework effect for someone. I accidentally set the _x/_yscale mu ... Rated 4.8 of 5 1560
ParticleManager V1

ParticleManager V1

Here is the start of a framework for particle engines. Right now, it's not too complete and needs quite a bit of work. When i ... Rated 3.3 of 5 1070
Text Node Movement

Text Node Movement

Here is a project I made in MX a week or two ago. It was completely done in actionscript. Comments and critiques are welcome! Rated 3.9 of 5 1370
Fractal Clump Scribbler

Fractal Clump Scribbler

I really need to come up with a better title for this, lol. FYI, this is the first file submitted to V2! Rated 4.2 of 5 2693
KDE Wipes V3

KDE Wipes V3

Well, I finally got around to making my previous KDE wipes project loopable. Thanks to everyone for the support! For this ... Rated 4.6 of 5 8183
3D Circle - Proximity

3D Circle - Proximity

This is a project I whipped up over a vacation. Let me know what you think! Rated 4.8 of 5 1454
Point Cloud Distortion

Point Cloud Distortion

This is a project I whipped up over vacation. Let me know what you think! The code is a mess... sorry... :) Rated 4.4 of 5 1397
KDE Wipes V2

KDE Wipes V2

Here is an updated version of my original KDE wipes. This version supports multiple images and "frames". Comments are always ... Rated 4.1 of 5 5131
Point and Line Snapping

Point and Line Snapping

A quick experiment using only Actionscript :) Rated 4.8 of 5 717
Particle Cone

Particle Cone

I was digging through some of my old flash experiments and found this. The code is somewhat of a mess. Enjoy. All of the move ... Rated 4.5 of 5 2412
Collision Shake

Collision Shake

Any comments are welcome :) I need to tweak it a little bit more to get it looking better Rated 4.7 of 5 1065
My Teapot

My Teapot

I exported a teapot from a 3D program to an ASCII Model File... From that I rigged up a php script to generate the proper AS ... Rated 4.2 of 5 907
3D Circular Proximity

3D Circular Proximity

Here is a quick experiment, your comments are welcome :) Rated 4.7 of 5 4095
3D Ring Wave

3D Ring Wave

Here is something I quickly whipped up in Mx. It isn't a true accurate 3D system but is effective for this application. Rated 4.5 of 5 1885
Random IFS

Random IFS

Here is a addendum for my Barnsley Fern ( It generates a random IFS fractal ... Rated 2.4 of 5 955
Barnsley Fern

Barnsley Fern

Here is a very common iterated function system (IFS) called "Barnsley Fern" discovered by Micheal F. Barnsley. For more inf ... Rated 3.2 of 5 1015
Text Space

Text Space

This is my entry here. I need to add more of a description when I have more time. ;) Rated 4.1 of 5 6510
Crab Creatures

Crab Creatures

All of the movement of the crabs is done with actionscript. I created this for the great Kirupa FXpression 05 contest. :) Tha ... Rated 4.5 of 5 3024
Wolfram Substitution System

Wolfram Substitution System

I was inspired by A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram. It is quite an interesting concept. Thanks to freeskier89 for the ... Rated 4.1 of 5 531