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user girishmohapatra
girishmohapa.. (4)


This is a weather widget which shows the forecast for 4 days.
1998 downloads, 21468 views

weather widget rss feeds

Download (934.71 KB)


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user gtapiaf1303
gtapiaf1303 5 years ago

diseo web profesional peru personalizado

VIC_SALMA 12 years ago

nevermind! its done :)

VIC_SALMA 12 years ago

Hi men! tanks for sharing this widget. can you tell me how to put Montevideo, Uruguay in both line of the code? I would be more than grateful, thanks in advance

user fho
fho 14 years ago

were is the xml file ?

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

see MediaHolic, You can find the rss url in two place in the code.
one is:weatherXml.load("http://demo.accuweat _feed_data_2.asp?zipcode=EUR|FR|FR016|LE S ANGLES&metric=0&feed=zcforecasttemps");

And Another for the current status in that: weathertday.load("http://rss.accuweather .com/rss/liveweather_rss.asp?metric=0&lo cCode=EUR|FR|FR016|LES ANGLES");

You just replace these two lines with these lines where i mention your place zipcode. you ll get your weather status. If still you are not getting then mail me in my id:[email protected] i ll fix the bug and send you.

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