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user girishmohapatra
girishmohapa.. (4)


This is a weather widget which shows the forecast for 4 days.
1998 downloads, 21472 views

weather widget rss feeds

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user gtapiaf1303
gtapiaf1303 5 years ago

diseo web profesional peru personalizado

VIC_SALMA 12 years ago

nevermind! its done :)

VIC_SALMA 12 years ago

Hi men! tanks for sharing this widget. can you tell me how to put Montevideo, Uruguay in both line of the code? I would be more than grateful, thanks in advance

user fho
fho 14 years ago

were is the xml file ?

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

see MediaHolic, You can find the rss url in two place in the code.
one is:weatherXml.load("http://demo.accuweat _feed_data_2.asp?zipcode=EUR|FR|FR016|LE S ANGLES&metric=0&feed=zcforecasttemps");

And Another for the current status in that: weathertday.load("http://rss.accuweather .com/rss/liveweather_rss.asp?metric=0&lo cCode=EUR|FR|FR016|LES ANGLES");

You just replace these two lines with these lines where i mention your place zipcode. you ll get your weather status. If still you are not getting then mail me in my i ll fix the bug and send you.

user MediaHolic
MediaHolic 15 years ago

i tried my RSS url, ligne 22 of AS (weatherXML.load("http://rss.accuweather .com/rss/liveweather_rss.asp?metric=0&lo cCode=EUR|FR|FR016|LES ANGLES")) ..but no forecast :(
can u help me to find the bug here ? thx

user harmeet518
harmeet518 15 years ago

ya i have try for jalandhar punjab its working

user mhartman2
mhartman2 15 years ago

I forgot, you'd be better off sticking to one typeface instead of 3. Consistency is key.

user mhartman2
mhartman2 15 years ago

How about a script that allows you to change the zip code on the fly? I realize you can change it in the actionscript. However, I think this widget would be far more useful if it were more interactive.

Also, as a graphic designer, I have some asthetic suggestions. I like your custom-made icons, you've kept a consistent theme. However, the gray background is really causing your widget to look dingy and unattractive. You could possibly turn the background into a gradient between dark blue and medium blue, this would compliment the oranges and yellows present in your icons.

Also, is there a particular reason why you have so much negative space? You could condense the spacing of all the elements and really make this look very modern and compact. Less is more.

Some cast reflections would be a bonus.

The functionality is spot on. I've been following your work.

user MediaHolic
MediaHolic 15 years ago

thx a lot! i chek for the rss feed and i find my location in france. hope it ll work, i ll try it soon (i m waiting for a CS3 licence at work). i ll tell u if it work for france forecast. salam.

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

ya we can do. Just now i tried for my city Bangalore,India. It working fine. But you have to get the proper rss feed loccode from Here if you enter your zipcode you can get the rss feed to retrive data.check it its rocking.

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

Sorry i didn't try for other cities. if you check the link or that rss feed and check your cities zipcode i think you ll get your cities weather status.

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

According to the image no which you ll get from rss feed there are some movieclips which i create by seeing each and every image from rss feeds. So, You ll get the exact image. It not coming randomly. Its coming according to the weather conditions.

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 15 years ago

no it ll work only for us cities.No this is in cs3 version. In line no 22:zipcode=37211; this is for nashville. U can change the zipcode to any us cities zipcode and get the result.

user MediaHolic
MediaHolic 15 years ago

verry nice ! thx

q1:is it possible to get the weather of frensh cities ?
q2: can i use this source with my flash version:8 ?

user harmeet518
harmeet518 15 years ago

thanks homewood

user homewood
homewood 15 years ago

line 22 of the action script goes to accuweather<dot>com, where you can select your own zip code.

user kniotech
kniotech 15 years ago

on which bases do you get the temperatures or these are just lucky numbers?

user harmeet518
harmeet518 15 years ago

but which city weather he was giving can i get the weather for my city

user sageboy
sageboy 15 years ago

this is very cool mr Girishmohapatra;)

user bahabal
bahabal 15 years ago

very nice!