alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user wiyono
wiyono (2)

Simple Scroll Pane

So einfach and nice scrollPane in AS2
I hpe you like it.

Listing url:
2380 downloads, 23960 views

scroll pane flash as2

Download (110.23 KB)


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user avi3d
avi3d 8 years ago

Very bad...
Handler's X relies on content's mask width.
The height of content scrolling is messed up, not calculated right at all.
All calculations are bad. Sorry.

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

Hi Adrian thank you, I just discovered your glowing arrows.
How do I put them on a site?
I don't want it during loading, but constantly there.
Every time I try to edit it comes this picture with the waterbubbles.
Thank you

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

No... about 2,2gb flash cs5...
Look @adrianTNT... he give you link that you trial....
Good luck kikiki......

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

This is 8.5giga!!!
Maybe I can start edit my scroll pane next year

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

Thanks again, I am downloading now...

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

@Caesar: try this one then

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

Have you adobe flash?

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

Guys, I am unable to edit the contents of this directory without downloading an app
I tried all of them, drag them to the Brwser, open with terminal etc

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

"The" fla editor is "Adobe Flash".

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

Thanks! Trying now to download a fla editor

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

Yez of course... because this is flash file not html...
In html you need .swf file from flash.... and then in html you need to put code to load the flash file.... kikiki....

Good luck for you. (i'll be here)

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

If I clck on the Html it plays the file in a browser window (Safari), I go to edit source, but there is no really text to edit, just commands.
Thank you

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

@Caesar.... is easy.. only duoble klik the Movie Clip til you have the text..... kikiki...
Sorry my English not good...... kikiki.......

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

Thank you, but how do I do it?

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

@Caesar.... try to use Flash......... is more easy to edit the text.... kikiki......

user Caesar
Caesar 14 years ago

How do you edit the text?
If I copy the code to my web editor (Freeway Express), I can just see the text sample and unable to change.
Thank you

user itmam
itmam 14 years ago

keren bro,,,

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

Yes.. you can use with flash 9...

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

Maksude piye to... aku kok ra mudheng.... kkikii..
Salam merdeka juga yooo... kkikii...

user Oebay
Oebay 14 years ago

dear Wiyono, Apa kabar Satu bangsa.. ?

When i click the right ball to scroll it.. and stop in middle.. the screen will stutering..
But the rest of the design is great..

Thank you for sharing it with us..

Salam Media.. Merdeka..

C.P Siregar

user off5ale
off5ale 14 years ago

not open in CS3

user Vinata
Vinata 14 years ago

Is it possible to get this for Flash9????

user ezzz
ezzz 14 years ago

thanks :)

user mohanarangank
mohanarangank 14 years ago

thankz for the post.... thanks...

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

@girish_gulhane, Thank you

user girish_gulhane
girish_gulhane 14 years ago

Nice Effect Man!

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

@Tomhanks, Nichts zu danken, ich freue mich dass du freue dich bist..
Sorry mein Deutsch nicht gut
Ich bin Indonesier

user Tomhanks
Tomhanks 14 years ago

I like it. Dankeschn!

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago


user atw057
atw057 14 years ago

Terima kasih, Wiyono, Nice!

user gotDESIGN
gotDESIGN 14 years ago


user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

I'm Sorry for my fehler... kkikii...


user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

wiyono, I approved the listing now, note that I edited listing URL and description, we can only post listing_url if it is directly related to listing, like a tutorial about the file for example. And to display your website you have the "author url".
File looks nice.

user wiyono
the listing author wiyono 14 years ago

i hope you like it.