adrianTNT's profile
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Member since |
07 Oct 2005 |
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724 |
Total files submitted |
32 |
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Submitted files
Template for creating a rating system, it contains the html/JavaScript code to display the stars and to create the rollover e ...
Ajax contact form with Google reCaptcha anti boot, anti spam system.
Responsive width, fits nicely on mobile devices too.
Image slider with JavaScript, It is my first file at ffiles that doesn't contain Flash, I want to see if the community is als ...
Grid image loader, loads images and creates boxes with rollover effects, the editable area of the code looks like this:
---- ...
A buttons design template for media player (play, pause, etc).
The style is very simple, rounded corner transparent black b ...
An animation made with random colored lines, the colors are taken from an array of color codes.
Click to randomize again.
A button that can mute/unmute a sound with fade in and fade out effect.
Sound is property of .
Note: when open ...
Place the clip "arrows preloader" in the first keyframe of any flash file, remove other content from that same frame; place y ...
A tabbed navigation for flash websites.
The flash library contains one item, that is the button, you can change buttons colo ...
Randomly rotating boxes.
Each clip color is a separate clip in the fla library and the rotation and position is set randomly ...
Black Flash buttons with rollover/click/release effect.
If you rollOut and rollOver again it plays the glow effect from wher ...
The clips are duplicated on stage and an "add" color blend is added, a random speed, a blur and that is it.
This file is 3K ...
Flash button that fill with liquid on rollover. The liquid is made by motion tweening in timeline.
Copy the preloader clip form root of the file and paste it in first frame of your flash file, move all your other content to ...
This is made by duplicating a simple clip on the stage then the copies are rotated randomly and with a random transparency se ...
A preloader as a circle animation with fade effect. Can load jpg or swf files.
This is NOT a component that will be insert i ...
A button that mutes / unmutes a sound with fade in and fade out effect.
The sound used is property of
How t ...
This is a contact form made with flash and php. Edit mailer.php and change [email protected] with your email, make sure th ...
The general idea is made after the tutorial listed in listing web site. The action script is different compaired to the tutor ...
Shoot bubbles on screen, game over after you miss 10 bubbles (after bubbles get out of screen without shooting them).
This requires Flash 8. A matrix effect (or matrix animation) created by randomly positioning text fields on stage, moving the ...
A rotating globe / earth, not hard to create. A plain image of world map, duplicated and moved in 2 directions masked by a ci ...
A simple XML slide show made with flash mx 2004.
It has a text preloader for each image.
In xml file you can set the tim ...
Just a red car :). Made only with flash.
Remember to rate this and all the other listings (good or bad).
XML flash menu, you can change the buttons text and menu colors, buttons just by editing an external file. The external file ...
A Google search box made with macromedia flash.
It is a "component", you can change target frame (same window, new window, e ...
Stars generated randomly. Stars are positioned randomly on stage and then randomly changes color and rotation.
The action sc ...
An effect made very simple, same clip is duplicated on stage by copy/paste to cover an area. The clip contains one text field ...
This is a library for flash, it contains many elements like: stars, fire, lightning, raindrops etc. Open the fla file and tak ...
Click with your mouse on the balloons to shoot as many as you can.
If you want to use this game on your website or on any ot ...
Chrome buttons for Macromedia Flash.
This was a commercial product, I offer it for free here at FFILES.
Feel free to use th ...
This is one of the first buttons libraries I created for macromedia exchange.
Is not the best but is free :)