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user viijay
viijay (12)

drag grid

I saw this on internet and just want to share with
just drag any box n drop.

Thank u

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2082 downloads, 27807 views

drag grid in as3 n drop

Download (60.12 KB)


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user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

I think it considers you dropped it right above of the bottom row so it places it at the beginning of the bottom row?

user otipap
otipap 14 years ago

Very good, but it's not dropping exactly where I want. I'm trying to figure out where is the register point of the tiles. If I drop a tile in the center of 4 tiles, it will be dropped elsewhere but not near any of these 4 tiles...

user Spredemann
Spredemann 14 years ago

yes, double clicking sometimes messes with it

user ifuwant2know
ifuwant2know 15 years ago

I found a bug if you double click on a tile, when you drop it, it does not shuffle the remaining tiles.

Other than than, nice app.

user vinodrsharody
vinodrsharody 15 years ago

its superb. Thanks for sharing

user viijay
the listing author viijay 15 years ago

ur welcome

user saintbloodz
saintbloodz 15 years ago

nice work
very helpful to me

user ikcho0
ikcho0 15 years ago


user viijay
the listing author viijay 15 years ago

Hi shraddhaparavad: pls try out

user shraddhaparavad
shraddhaparavad 15 years ago

Hi Vijay
Thank you..................
But in this they have given script for the box id, but i m searching for the dragging images.
Some body please help me.

user ashfaqnin
ashfaqnin 15 years ago


user viijay
the listing author viijay 15 years ago

its ok deanmale2001

user deanmale2001
deanmale2001 15 years ago

Thank You!

user viijay
the listing author viijay 15 years ago

hey bullyjosh i just want to share it n want to people use this idea n creativity dnt want to credit...

user vicmar
vicmar 15 years ago


user bullyjosh
bullyjosh 15 years ago

viijay, not sure why you're submitting other people's files, especially without attributing credit. For those interested, here are some similar files I found: download-monitor/download.php?id=shuffle download-monitor/download.php?id=dynamic

The dynamic stack one looks very familiar - if you extrapolated the column out over several rows. I'm not claiming either of these files are where you got your source material, but thought it would be good to give people a bit more of a base to work from, since you don't think it's important to give credit where credit is due. Please do so in the future.

user LXandR
LXandR 15 years ago

Cool! Thanks for sharing!

user Kern
Kern 15 years ago

Love it!

user dietschaef
dietschaef 15 years ago

Thanks for shared this.

user tuntz
tuntz 15 years ago

Veery nice dude! Very thank's!

user vhoneysuckle
vhoneysuckle 15 years ago

Awsome! Thanks for providing this... would like to be able to give credit to the creator though - any idea who that is?

user ninetta1972
ninetta1972 15 years ago

very nice tool! thanks!

user Federico39
Federico39 15 years ago

nice feature, ideal for a collector's display who wants to arrange items

user ashfaqnin
ashfaqnin 15 years ago

thanks vijay...

user wt008
wt008 15 years ago

Also how can the original file be "Open Source" and this file be "This file is for personal, free, non-commercial use."


user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

If it is made by someone else, then make sure developer is ok with submitting it and provide exact credits.