alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user nireve
nireve (4)

AS3 Full WebSite - Dynamically load external SWF or picture

- easly add new buttons or change the links
- load external SWF or picture
- Preloader developed by Steven Sacks
- full screen button

Read the action script comments to understand few basic methods of as3.

6955 downloads, 51403 views

as3 external swf external picture

Download (490.41 KB)


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user piedone
piedone 14 years ago

very practical and easy to use!
also the gallery on your site and truly exceptional,
You can buy it?

user gonne
gonne 14 years ago

excellent job! tnx

user nireve
the listing author nireve 14 years ago

isacanasmontes: can we have this conversation on email pls ?

user isacanasmontes
isacanasmontes 14 years ago

Hi, me again! I have another question. How can you set a min.widht and min.height? so when a user makes the browser smaller, the scroll appears so you still can see the whole website... I am not sure if i have to fix this in the swf or in the html though.. well thank you!

user isacanasmontes
isacanasmontes 14 years ago


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