This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe

FlashDevelop.. (3)
Image Slideshow
This is a simple image slideshow with numbered buttons. You can add up to 10 Pictures. You can use it as a simple product viewer for your website.16857 downloads, 77120 views
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thanks so much your awesome! have a good day buddy!
i changed the preloader and not the code, offline the html file works fine, online it doesnt?!
why dont you post a newer file down here, cant find it on your website flashdevelopement. maybe you try a nicer grey oder black preloader??nevermind tank you!
Hello, very easy and simple, but.. is it posible to autoplay and set the time for each image?
Hello sio,
ther is a new version out on of this Gallery ;)
Greetings Flash Development
Perfect what I am looking for!! Great Job dud.
I will try it on my site
I will try it on my site
Nice work.. but how about adding a time for each slide to move/... say.. 7 seconds??!!
what a have to do, when i put this into a neu mc? the menu not apear.
It's nice keep it.
very nice.
I like it realy
ehmm, i dont want to complain, because i can understand german, but isnt it a little better when u translate all the filenames and the folders to english?
greetzz ^^
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/F ena/Desktop/image%5Fslideshow%5F1823/TEX TE/Settingstext01.txt?cache=123283221771 8"
error :(:(
i dont under stand . every file is in the dofferent folder ...... how load them & which one to load 1st
Hello, thanks to everyone for the comments!!! This file works with the settings you download it. Please just export the flash movie under FILE -> EXPORT -> EXPORT MOVIE, than it should work. In this Slideshow is a cache reloader that loads the images everytime new and not from the cache. Thats why there are these string numbers and the error massages come from when you export this flash movie by pressing Strg + ENTER!!!
after i changed line 6 with "myLoadVars1.load("TEXTE/Settingstext01. txt" );"
i was receiving this error;
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/GRAFIKEN/Button back01.png?cache=1224593538654"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/GRAFIKEN/Button back02.png?cache=1224593538654"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/GRAFIKEN/Button back03.png?cache=1224593538654"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/GRAFIKEN/Button back04.png?cache=1224593538654"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/GRAFIKEN/Button back05.png?cache=1224593538654"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/PHOTOS/Photobac k05.jpg?cache=1224593538724"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/PHOTOS/Photobac k04.jpg?cache=1224593538724"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/PHOTOS/Photobac k03.jpg?cache=1224593538724"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/PHOTOS/Photobac k02.jpg?cache=1224593538724"
Error opening URL "file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/m intal/Desktop/menu%2Dtut/PHOTOS/Photobac k01.jpg?cache=1224593538724"
Hello abhinav_p3, artandganesh and eduardooliveira! You should learn flash first before you work with it!!! And of course you should buy the full version of flash and not with an illegal copy, if you had the full version you should know how to make this free file run!!! It works perfect, you can see it on top of this site ;)
Error, not working, why i dont understand??
hello its not working, don not waste time
Hello galvis and abhinav_p3!
You should just export the flash movie! Don't test it, it can't work because of the no cache reload function!
as u said export the flash movie but from where & to where please suggest me the proper steps
Hello hmfontes! We know that there is an error, this is because of the no cache reload function!
Just export the flash movie and read the text below!!!
same error!!!!!!!!
Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/n blocal/Desktop/image%5Fslideshow%5F1823/ TEXTE/Settingstext01.txt1222448553937'
Thanks for your compliment ByTasarimcim!
Wooow Crayz... Perfect
Hello galvis and abhinav_p3!
You should just export the flash movie! Don't test it, it can't work because of the no cache reload function!
same error!
Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/N eetu%20Maheshwari/Desktop/image%5Fslides how%5F1823/TEXTE/Settingstext01.txt?cach e=1221025777796'
Please Tell Me The Solutions
Thanks for your compliment dcdinfo and no problem keiko2!
Very good! Muito Bom mesmo.
No problem flowmatic007!
Got it! thanks!
HI THIS HIS IMPORTANT: (take from FlashDevelopment comment).
Hello flowmatic007 and thanks for your compliment! This is because the textfile loads every time new and not from the browsercache. Please change the Line 6 to:
myLoadVars1.load("TEXTE/Settingstext01. txt" );
Than it should work and you can test it offline.
Okay, thats no problem!
FlashDevelopment, please don't include your business name in all comments.
Thanks for your comment clipdepelicula!
Greetings Flash Development
Thanks for your compliment leandrodesigne! And thiagottjv, if you want you can use it for a commercial site, it would be nice if you can leave a link in your product for our site ;) But this is not a should be :)
Very good. Thank you.
Can i use this slideshow in a commercial site?
And i would like to make one change... to have one "play" button and the images rotates alone.
Could I?
very good
Thanks for your compliment Lekin!
Very good guy! Tanks!
Thanks for your compliment rumelian!
very good... this work includes simplicity and beauty ...
Hello aryanbijoy! This is a problem with your installed server. You should ask in a Forum for that too. On our server it is running correct. On server are alot of things you can change, were sorry but we cant help you!
it does not work on my local server how i fix the problem?
Hello aryanbijoy! And what is your problem?
i got a problem too
Hello langaw360! Thanks for your compliment! We decided to make it movable bevore all images are loaded becaouse that no one thinks it is defect. Because you can not see when the last image is loaded. Thats why we thougt its a bedder idea to make it movable from the beginning.
nice....but it moves when it should load everything bfore running....
Thanks for your compliment rungnapa!
Hello flowmatic007!
Your code is correct and should work! We dont know where the problem is right now. No one else has problems with our product viewer. For more help you should contact a flash forum.
This is what I have
var myLoadVars1 = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars1.load("TEXTE/Settingstext01 .txt");
myLoadVars1.onLoad = function(success) {
if(success) {
I didn't text it online.
Hello flowmatic007!
Can you Please show us what you have now in Line 6?
And if you test it online it work with the original code!
Sorry, but it just tells me this now Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Users/Flowmatic/Desktop/imag e%5Fslideshow%5F1823/TEXTE/Settingstext0 1.txt'. Should I have left the something?
Thanks for your compliment kshopa!
simple and beauty..
i like it!
Hello flowmatic007 and thanks for your compliment! This is because the textfile loads every time new and not from the browsercache. Please change the Line 6 to:
myLoadVars1.load("TEXTE/Settingstext01. txt");
Than it should work and you can test it offline.
Looks Great! I am not sure how to put place it in the proper folders to work it. Can you help me, please? I get an error message "Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Users/Floyd/Desktop/image%5F slideshow/TEXTE/Settingstext01.txt?cache =1218726918143' It is a great slideshow though!!A+
Thanks for your compliment danibanana!
This is very good.
Thanks to you too totene5906! Your compliment makes us happy!
Great transition :)
Thanks for your compliment jing1!
Nice, smooth and looks good, good finish.
Thanks for your comment ahphoto! We think its a really good idea, and for the next version will will do that. Greetings Flash Development
if you had an autoplay function and image links it could be used as an ad banner
Thank you! Thiswas our first upload, it would be nice if you could send as an information how about to upload it right, thanks :)
FlashDevelopment, I fixed the files location.