alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user Aires
Aires (7)

Aires Photo Gallery V3

Support the developer of this gallery, making a small contribution.

Follow the link below, a gallery of images similar, but with fullscreen, image panning and an MP3 player. y_v3_1_resizable_1169.html?apage=65

With some changes in the look of the other versions, but with a code...
more >
13849 downloads, 77235 views

aires photo gallery v3 xml

Download (603.78 KB)


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user reiads
reiads 11 years ago

So with this design I just have to create a folder called images and store my files there and the php will generate the filename?

user sanjiban
sanjiban 12 years ago

How do i do it fullscreen resizable???? please help me: [email protected]

user F.DeSign
F.DeSign 14 years ago

Hello Aires,
I likethis gallery so much but I'm so curious about a thing... How you put your addresses on pictures (clicking right mouse button on it) I'm so interested about that option but I can't do it... is it easy?? can you give me a help please

user wiyono
wiyono 14 years ago

I try to give the mneu (thumb)name not pic... but i have done success...
Can you help me?
Thank you.

user Bornouttarespect
Bornouttarespect 14 years ago

The gallery is great, and came in very useful! However, there's a small glitch that keeps occuring. Whenever you scroll below the thumbnail pictures, that thumbnail content is jumping up and down, making it look very glitchy. I was wondering if there was a way to fix that or improve it so when you move the cursor out of the swf file, the thumbnail portion of the gallery closes naturally.

user hapdre
hapdre 14 years ago

GooD !!

user ihatenutz
ihatenutz 14 years ago

jus amazin!!

user Aires
the listing author Aires 14 years ago

Hello Chahoub4!

Changing the values of variables: stageHeight and stageWidth

user chahoub4
chahoub4 14 years ago


user markiez
markiez 14 years ago

nicely done!

user Himanshu.chuphal
Himanshu.chuphal 14 years ago

amazin 1, bt bit heavy 2 use it fr me...!!

user cyclotron
cyclotron 14 years ago

Thank you...Nice one

user wiyono
wiyono 15 years ago

How to edit right click menu? where you put the script?

Thank you.

user wiyono
wiyono 15 years ago

You are really the best... from all internet tutorial... this really great... Thank you so much.. this what i search everyday...
Thank you...

user TheKingsAlive
TheKingsAlive 15 years ago

Im having troubles "calling" this movie (a separate swf in the same folder) from another movie clip. The Thing is that i wanted to call this gallery with: loadMovie("whatever.swf", themc); where themc is a blank mc.
The problem is that when i call it in, the scroll menu starts from the fifth image, and does not allow me to go left and see the first image...

Theres a line code im missing i suppouse....

I really need help here

user paulapozza
paulapozza 15 years ago

I think I didn't make myself clear, I meant add a link in a caption or directly in a picture, like when you click on the caption or picture, it goes to a different site.

user paulapozza
paulapozza 15 years ago

I'm sorry Aires, Image 2 has a link? I couldn't find it on the files...

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago


Hello Paula, yes it has support for captions on pictures.

See image 2.

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago


Hello, send me an email I will provide support.

[email protected]

user paulapozza
paulapozza 15 years ago

Hi Aires,

Is it possible to add an URL link to the image or caption of this gallery?


user rohit007
rohit007 15 years ago

XML file run only root folder... plz help me :)

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Gabriel,

Look at my twitter a simple way to do this:

Follow me: @simplescript

Fala ai Gabriel,

Veja no meu twitter um funo que fiz para isso.



user danielbr86
danielbr86 15 years ago

timo trabalho colega.
S uma dvida, como eu poderia redimensionar (stretch) a imagem caso ela seja maior que 800x600 ?
No entendo de Action Script, se puder me dar um auxilio te agradeo

user dorit
dorit 15 years ago

Hi Aires,
I normally don't do this.. but I was wondering if it's possible to edit the script so that the thumbnails always show. Ideally a bit lower on the stage so the main images are not covered. I love the gallery the way it is but my friend insists that the thumbnails show all the time.
I don't know action script but took a look anyway and played around with it a bit...managed to hide the thumbnails... but that's not what I was after.

If at all possible and if you have a spare minute (or more) I would be grateful if you could provide me with a solution. I understand that you do that in your spare time so if you don't get around it, not to worry.
email address: dorit(at)a-picture-a-day(dot)com
Thanks again for posting such a wonderful gallery to FFiles.
Kind regards,

user zafirah
zafirah 15 years ago

soorrry Aires, my mistake, nw i cn view it.Thaaanks yeahh. :)

user dorit
dorit 15 years ago

Brilliant work. Wonderful gallery and so easy to set up and customize. Thanks for sharing.

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Zafirah

Send me an email.

My adress you can see below.

user zafirah
zafirah 15 years ago

Hi, can i ask you why is it when i publixh it in html, I cant see my photos? The gallery is just blank.


user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Thalia!

Send an email to me, so I will pass this procedure.

[email protected]

user thalia
thalia 15 years ago

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider installer cette galerie sur mon site?

user somnusrichie
somnusrichie 15 years ago

good job, thanks.

user kannadasan
kannadasan 15 years ago

Hi, Friend, Thank u, very much.

user johnburg
johnburg 15 years ago

Thanks alot~

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Follow the link below, a gallery of images similar, but with fullscreen, image panning and an MP3 player. oto _gallery_v3_1_resizable_1169.html?apage= 65

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago



Nesta verso eu no coloquei isto!
No foi o mrcio quem desenvolveu... :D


user studioa2
studioa2 15 years ago

Oi, Marcos, voc brasileiro certo? tbm sou, olha s, timo trabalho, no achei a funo de auto play, tem como ?
Valeu, abrao!

user logorizma
logorizma 15 years ago


user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago


Vlw conterrneo!!! :D

user marcosvca
marcosvca 15 years ago

@adrianTNT Amigo = friend.. no drama,respect other countries.

user marcosvca
marcosvca 15 years ago

Great ;)

user vinodnisthulya
vinodnisthulya 15 years ago

Thanks Aires, It helps a lot.

user kordys
kordys 15 years ago

hallo . Can anyone tell me how to set gallery size - I want make it smaller - all. PLEASE I'm working on flash cs4.

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

"Amigo", please speak English :)

user roccomaster
roccomaster 15 years ago

gracias amigo buen tranajo!

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago


Now included is a file named aires.php with this file you can list all the images in a folder, also automatically generates the xml and thumbnails. You can configure it to list specific extensions, the name of the folder with the images and thumbnail size.

user payday999
payday999 15 years ago

Very good! Thanks

user activetofocus
activetofocus 15 years ago

Thank you!! well down.

user jacklein
jacklein 15 years ago

cool thanks

user anandvamsi
anandvamsi 15 years ago


user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

AV Photo Gallery V4 oto_gallery_v4_1610.html?apage=65

What has this gallery:
Division of photos by album;
Image panning;
Mouse scroll;
Time bar;
3 different types for navigation between images;
Set the time interval, autoplay and initial album by XML.

user sercansanli
sercansanli 15 years ago

Good Thanks !!

user arjunsharma
arjunsharma 15 years ago

gr88 work!!


user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Dustballzomg!

Make the transfer of the *. xml file to the same directory, which is contained in the *. swf, make sure to do the same with the folder that has images.

user dustballzomg
dustballzomg 15 years ago

This is awesome! I wanted to put it on a site as portfolio (for non-commercial use). The only thing is, it doesn't work when I try and put it in Dreamweaver. First, I copied the "copy this code" javascript script, and I put it into the body. That didn't work so I put it into the <head>. That didn't work so I tried putting the flash file straight to dreamweaver. It finally came up but then didn't load and there was no xml data. How do I make this work on my site? Thanks.

user tetestinta
tetestinta 15 years ago


user jacklein
jacklein 15 years ago


user chavarin
chavarin 15 years ago

wow, good work man,

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Latest updates:

Sample image selected in your ID and the total picture.

Mask added to the stage, where the gallery is loaded into a movieclip and not exceed the limits.

Definition of two more variables to set the size of the stage.

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Become my member in MMFiles and download files of all my current files and future, for only $ 5.00 per month. /?apage=65

user radzio1121
radzio1121 15 years ago

Great job, you have talent.

user Miguelus
Miguelus 15 years ago

Awesome gallery!

Thanks a lot

user tech-salim
tech-salim 15 years ago

very good.... coll galery..

user imagic001
imagic001 15 years ago

great gallery, can thumb imgs have smoothing?
best regards

user energywelt
energywelt 15 years ago

nice, nice, very nice!

user mmteam
mmteam 15 years ago

Thanks You :)

user aznballer04
aznballer04 15 years ago

does anyone know how to make it work with AS 3.0 ??

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Bensita!

Enter your email address, you send your file.

user bensita
bensita 15 years ago

hi, your work is great man !! Also I have a question. Im creating diferent photo galleries so they can be loaded (loadMovie) in empty movie clips. The problem is that the thumbs are shown even when they go down, I dont know if you understand my problem? Thanx

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Follow the link below, a gallery of images similar, but with fullscreen, image panning and an MP3 player. oto_gallery_v3_1_resizable_1169.html?apa ge=65

user mecaenet
mecaenet 15 years ago

awesome i want to chek it out how do iu get that cool scroll menu.

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Thank you for the comments.

File updated with the requests.

user scmello
scmello 15 years ago

Yes, papaone, you are correct; when we maximize (or use another screen sizes) decentralized. So, we must have to reconfigure the FLA, but I have not looked at the file yet...

user papaone
papaone 15 years ago

Sorry should have said 19" screen.

user papaone
papaone 15 years ago

I don't know if it's my screen setup but the arrows are not centred after the first image.

user scmello
scmello 15 years ago

Firstly, thank you!
Secondly, your creation is brilliant because simple and takes very well to display area!

user aofarashizaa
aofarashizaa 15 years ago


user bdash
bdash 15 years ago

well done.

I agree with Adriant, the arrow changning colour (and maybe a larger "hotspot" for navigating would be very beneficial.

But thanks, this is very nice

user adriant
adriant 15 years ago

wow ! well done.

One suggestion - the colour of the arrow should change once you hover on it :)

user amituser
amituser 15 years ago

wonderfully done....
thanks man....


user aznballer04
aznballer04 15 years ago

this is great. can you upload a AS 3.0 of it? please?

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

OK, thanks for the references cited!

user treebeard
treebeard 15 years ago

I just saw that it was 12fps and changed it to 31 - WORKS AWESOME!!! This is an awesome gallery, clean, loads nicely, the XML feature is there... I love it!

user Aires
the listing author Aires 15 years ago

Hello Treebeard!

Yes, you can make adjustments.

user treebeard
treebeard 15 years ago

nice work, looks good! I like the thumbnails that auto-hide. The only thing I might update is the frame rate (have to check it) because I'm on a Mac so it's a bit slow.