Photo Galleries

Free photo galleries; projects that display collections of photos neatly. You might want to have a look at php gallery too.

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Simple Photo Slide Show

Simple Photo Slide Show

i used this application for a lot of web site Rated 4.1 of 5 6702
Image Loop

Image Loop

XML base image loop, dynamic resize image width and height and click to open url. Rated 3.6 of 5 5371
Load xml by button

Load xml by button

A simple xml gallery, load xml by click a button. Rated 4.0 of 5 3225
XML Gallery

XML Gallery

XML Gallery with slideshow. It also adjust the size of the loaded images. Rated 4.4 of 5 4480
XML Slide Gallery

XML Slide Gallery

This is a XML driven slide gallery, the onRelease function for the enlarge buttons how ever isn't dynamically loaded and have ... Rated 2.5 of 5 2993
XML Slideshow Gallery

XML Slideshow Gallery

ActionScript 3.0 Slideshow that loads images from a XML, easy to customize. i will be making some updates to this gallery ;) Rated 4.6 of 5 7396
XML Photo Gallery

XML Photo Gallery

a photo gallery Rated 4.5 of 5 7473