Photo Galleries

Free photo galleries; projects that display collections of photos neatly. You might want to have a look at php gallery too.

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24 mm film

24 mm film

It is a simple menu for a galleri, with few AS. Rated 3.8 of 5 3031
Editable Animated SlideShow

Editable Animated SlideShow

Animated Slide Show with transition effect. Rated 4.6 of 5 7558
Auto Expand gallery

Auto Expand gallery

This is a simple gallery, where u can insert different size of images and it automatically expand according to the image you ... Rated 4.7 of 5 11941
XML Driven Slied show in AS3

XML Driven Slied show in AS3

Here You can see how can load external XML, and create a simple slide show. And Some little basics of AS3 Rated 1.9 of 5 2453
Itunes Cover Flow

Itunes Cover Flow

This is a itunes cover flow in flash. You can use it in your website. All Images are copyrighted. Before using Image, get ... Rated 4.5 of 5 16828
AVBox V1

AVBox V1

AVBox an entire project in actionscript. Rated 4.5 of 5 4934
Zoom Gallery

Zoom Gallery

Gallery made using the library caurina, giving the illusion of depth of the models. Rated 4.7 of 5 11361