alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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Simple Floating Particles

Simple particle effects with a floating movement.
8235 downloads, 45633 views

simple particle particles float floating

Download (1.52 MB)


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user agdesign
agdesign 12 years ago

wow.. great job..

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 12 years ago

If you said "Macromedia" I am thinking you must be a program version that is around 6 or more years old. It is now called "Adobe", look for "Adobe Flash" program.

user bahad4u
bahad4u 12 years ago

i cant edit this can i edit this with ma macromedia flash can any one help me plz its so awesome

user reika
reika 13 years ago

I've been searching for such a fireflies effect for a long time.
Thank you so much!!

user funuser
funuser 13 years ago

Thanks a lot..

user pavlicko
pavlicko 14 years ago

very well done

user fjgamer
fjgamer 15 years ago

Faridah is incorrect. This works in the latest Google Chrome, and it works in Firefox 3.6.8, and it probably works in Safari.

user faridah
faridah 15 years ago

nice but only works in IE

user juhpavan
juhpavan 15 years ago

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice *_* greeat work!

user elza.rsp
elza.rsp 15 years ago

Beautiful work. Congratulations.
I'm learning AS3 yet downloaded your file so that I liked.
Big hug

user WebDataBank
WebDataBank 15 years ago

Nice, nice! Very nice!
Good work!

user snooky147
snooky147 15 years ago

Very nice effect, could be nice with color change !

user dietschaef
dietschaef 15 years ago

yes,nice effects!

user tlacuilosound
tlacuilosound 15 years ago

hey that loocks cool!!!