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user bigmtnskier
bigmtnskier (26)

Pswarm Particle Swarming 1

Here is the beginnings of an experiment in Swarm Intelligence (SI) I'm working on. For those of you who don't know, SI (no, not Sports Illustrated) is a field in AI focused on having small relatively-unintelligent agents collaborate with one another to form a very intelligent collective system. If you're having troubles with that description, just think of a swarm of bees for now.
Right now,...
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1757 downloads, 30735 views

particle particles

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user debuangin
debuangin 14 years ago

Amazing work. Brilliant!

user miltonds
miltonds 15 years ago

looks good

user Ewee8
Ewee8 16 years ago

And can I please use this on my website and edit it?

user MikelB
MikelB 17 years ago

incredibly interesting, hope to get more of this!

user jjfattz
jjfattz 17 years ago

Good job!

user fleshmaker
fleshmaker 17 years ago

hey this is very creative! :)