alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user activetofocus
activetofocu.. (9)

PV3D Cube V1

Please note: file created with Flex but user Nireve ( ) created a fla source for it and we included it.

3D Cube effect image rotator.
This is a banner with pv3d.
It can go to previous or next image, click and drag left/right.

Listing url:
4586 downloads, 39487 views

banner pv3d image rotator transition

Download (953.43 KB)


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user uraykaz
uraykaz 14 years ago


user Nishant425
Nishant425 15 years ago


user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

Today,I got a new donate from majorscribbler.
Thank you majorscribbler.

Now any donations, we will provide to him a modify service or commercial product selection.
After receipt of donation, we will contact you directly or you can send us mail.

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

No problem!

user acem20
acem20 15 years ago

thank you very much !!

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago


user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

@activetofocus: if you want to take flash projects you can go to and once you are registered you can subbscribe to new projects there, you will receive an email whenever someone posts a project.

user nikslakhani
nikslakhani 15 years ago

it's n very cool image effect,
i like it

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

If you or have any problem or suggestion or need components development ,please contact us. mailto: [email protected]

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago


user e11world
e11world 15 years ago

nice work.. pretty slick!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

It is nice how it keeps rotating if you click fast.

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

@nireve Thanks.

user nireve
nireve 15 years ago

ok,i read your .as files and i make a fla version for people with no Flex knowledges (like me).

// fla file was included in this listing

Have a nice day.

user nireve
nireve 15 years ago

Can you explain how to open this project with Flex ?

user sstone700
sstone700 15 years ago

nice work! is it possible for me to replace pictures? Any info would be appreciated!

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

@adrianTNT yes,not need fla.

user cate
cate 15 years ago

Great work !

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

@activetofocus I am not familiar with flex, are you saying that flash was not used at all in this project?

user lowcpm
lowcpm 15 years ago

well done.

user jmedina
jmedina 15 years ago

could this be setup to automatically rotate ?

user hector1439
hector1439 15 years ago

Very nice!

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

this is actionscript project in flex,so no need fla.
you need use flashdevelopment or flex open it.

user 6feel
6feel 15 years ago


user psico88
psico88 15 years ago

Yes please :D

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

activetofocus, there are only .as files in the zip, please upload the fla or we have to remove the listing.

user kamaldas
kamaldas 15 years ago

very good work

user psico88
psico88 15 years ago

Very nice ! Thanks ;)

user necoti
necoti 15 years ago

good work, thank you for sharing...

user chazsic
chazsic 15 years ago

awesome ... :D no fla?

user J-Ro
J-Ro 15 years ago

No fla file :(

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

actionscript project!!

user ivanmelodic
ivanmelodic 15 years ago

this is for flash? or for flex? im still confused.

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

If you or have any problem or suggestion or need custom components development ,please contact us throught our profile.

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

This is a as project.

user rock_o
rock_o 15 years ago

the fla? upload

user CWSDesign
CWSDesign 15 years ago

Very nice, congratulations

user nireve
nireve 15 years ago

Where is the .fla, Mr. publicity ?!

user xcarlitosx
xcarlitosx 15 years ago

Wonderful, congratulations.

To become more intuitive the "click" of mouse, could contain on the cube:
interactiveObject = true and buttonMode = true

user phenix
phenix 15 years ago


user rock_o
rock_o 15 years ago

increible la aplicacion

user activetofocus
the listing author activetofocus 15 years ago

If you or have any problem or suggestion or need custom components development ,please contact us throught our profile.