alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user bubaitamal
bubaitamal (2)

Flash Piano Keys

Flash piano simulation
1863 downloads, 27330 views

flash piano simulatin key keys sound press button buttons

Download (1.41 MB)


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user kayume
kayume 9 years ago

it's nice

user J.Kovalev
J.Kovalev 11 years ago

Interesting job, realistic sound. There is one question: why black keys disable?

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

@amitbangal: So next users that will post stupid comments will be banned, I will not ban you just to consider that this was your warning.

If listing is a rip use "report listing" button, that will send an email to site admin. I will verify it and if user provided the other source to compare, then I will take action if needed. Otherwise at this point I assume it was made by a tutorial which is OK but author should mention the source in that case.
"Made by a tutorial" would mean that author seen the instructions or code in a tutorial/book and built the final result himself.

user bullyjosh
bullyjosh 14 years ago

@ amitbangal & tomhanks: Seems to me that you two just joined on this site to harass this one poster. Now, I'll admit that I've come across several files in my time here that have been suspicious at the very least. But adrianTNT is typically very aware of such issues, and removes files as soon as it can be verified that they are not original. I for one am SICK of seeing your own spammy posts pop up in my inbox, accusing this poster of things that have not been verified. You've made your point, move on. To me, you're just beginning to sound like a bunch of grade-school ne're-do-wells out to pound someone into the ground with your relentless badgering. I half expect you to turn from my post with fingers in your ears, shouting "LALALALALALAAA" full voice to avoid the truth you're faced with. I don't have "Macromedia MX Bible" to verify that your claims of theft are true, but as I indicated before, the code inside this file is much too complex to really be useful anyway. Guess that makes sense if it was a demonstration file - probably used to demonstrate a particular codeset. In any case, layoff please. Let adrianTNT do his job, and stop filling my inbox with inane babble.

user amitbangal
amitbangal 14 years ago

thief ... [edited by admin]

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