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user switchBack
switchBack (2)

large dynamic buttons

This is a footer that I created for a website I was developing. The entire thing is created through AS2.

The images are loaded in from an XML file, and then the "reflection" effect is generated automatically.

These were created as large buttons at the bottom of a website, but has potential for many more applications.

11294 downloads, 41879 views
Download (333.02 KB)


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user mustu9980
mustu9980 13 years ago

Ok this is how it works!
Download this folder:

Unzip the file. The folder name will be "caurina"
Put this folder where ur Footer.fla, footer.xml files and image folder is and then open the Footer.fla file in your Flash Software.
Caution: Do not open Footer.fla before u put caurina folder or else you will have to delete the Footer.fla and again unzip it.

Now, after opening Footer.fla go to actionscript on actions layer and replace: = link_array[i];
link_array[i] = main[i]; = = function(){


link_array[i] = main[i]; = link_array[i]; = = function(){

of line 57, 58, 59, 60 and 61

To change the background color you will have to change the color on line 66 i.e. colors = [0x4F6980, 0x4F6980]; if you want to change to black make it
colors = [0x000000, 0x000000];

and also you will have to change background color.

user Tomhanks
Tomhanks 14 years ago

1000 Sorry, I was an idiot, but now I have it, everything works fine! Thanks, Switchback!

user Tomhanks
Tomhanks 14 years ago

You, master, can make it work for me with some little files...
If You feel gracefull sometime, please: [email protected]
Thanks anyway for a fine little work

user rose
rose 15 years ago

very nice job; I have Adobe Flash CS4 and I try to open .fla file. I recieve an error Unxpexted file format. I can not open the fla file. Please help me . what is the reason?
thank you

user phatboy7
phatboy7 15 years ago

please send caurina.transitions.Tweener; class file to [email protected]

user phatboy7
phatboy7 15 years ago

would you please me the caurina.transitions.Tweener; class file also. I am having trouble with this download also.


user mandar_cv
mandar_cv 15 years ago

caurina.transitions.Tweener; class file is missing in the download will u please sent this file it will great help..
[email protected]

user dee.ane1
dee.ane1 16 years ago

nothing work here.

user mangolino
mangolino 16 years ago

Hi switchBack I put actions and guide on their singular frame at frame 55 of timeline. I have a problem:When I make html prewiew the dinamic buttons remains over frame 55 for all timeline.
So I want who dinamic buttons is only on frame 55.

user fmjacques
fmjacques 16 years ago

which version i have to use ?---Flash 8 here.
there's a couple of them. please help.

user tjtoonen
tjtoonen 16 years ago

geve: If you are referring to the bounce motion not working... you need to use tweener. If you don't have it as you re save the file the bounce no longer works.

Here is a link to find a stable version of tweener:

user jmansilla
jmansilla 16 years ago

Nothing works here.... Flash CS3 Pro.

user geve
geve 16 years ago

When I open this in Flash CS 3 (Mac) and 'preview movie' it doesn't work anymore... Similar when I change anything, say background color, the movements are gone. The button action still works though.

user flipmexi17
flipmexi17 16 years ago

yah these links are still not working even with the code change? any ideas?

user ahmetayd
ahmetayd 16 years ago

unfortunately, i have a problem. I changed codes like this,

link_array[i] = main[i]; = link_array[i]; = = function(){

But, when i previewed the flash and click the picture, there is an error message like undefined.

Is there any solution or is there anyone who can put a link in comments which has this flash.

user xxxrich
xxxrich 16 years ago

haha that man in this example is from ( great work btw )

user otipap
otipap 16 years ago

tjtoonen: You're really a Newbie, but that's easy. In getURL command you can put _blank . Like this:

user tjtoonen
tjtoonen 16 years ago

Love this... I'm kinda a Flash Newbie, but is there a way to make the links open in a blank page.

user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 16 years ago

Here is the code block you should look for (incase you have since changed the code and your lines no longer are the same number):

link_array[i] = main[i]; = link_array[i]; = = function(){

if your code looks like this, it will work.

user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 16 years ago

For anyone who is having trouble getting the button links to work here is what you need to do:

Open the .fla file and go to lines 57 & 58. You need to switch the order of these two lines. Next you need to go into the following onRelease function and comment out the trace statement and un-comment the getURL command.

Test your movie and everything should work. Please let me know if anyone is still having problems.

*Note* - I commented out the getURL statement for this posting so that I wasn't redirecting everyone when they tried to click on the links. Sorry I forgot to mention that, but follow the above instructions and it should work fine.

user surearrow
surearrow 16 years ago

Hello, thanks for your great work, but please forgive my lack of XML and Tweener knowledge. Like many others that have downloaded this file, I too can get the LINKS to work! It seems as if you do not answer this question in public, each time somebody asks you here on this post, "why are the image LINKS not working within this file?".

Here is your XML code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Image dimentions: 280x150.
You won't need to create a reflection image, swapping the image will automatically create the reflection.
<slideshow time="N/A">
<image url="images/1.png" link=""/>
<image url="images/2.png" link=""/>
<image url="images/3.png" link=""/>

This three website link names is all that I have changed. I did not even open your .fla file nor change your png images. All I did was insert these words "google, yahoo, and msn in your set XML locations to test the 3 image links. Guess what? They still do not work. No linking to anywhere!

How do we USE this file as a linking menu if you will not help us? There must be something VERY simple we are missing here. Maybe you think it is obvious, but to many of us, it is not!

No matter what, I with to thank for your very hard work, and no matter, I do appreciate your file and sharing. I just would like your programming to shine the way you intended to shine, no matter who uses it! Please let us know why the linking does not work! Thanks!!!

user ypos23
ypos23 16 years ago

nice work

user kadaff
kadaff 16 years ago


user kadaff
kadaff 16 years ago

is not that, when I try to link the buttons I get undefined, I have tried anyway, to modify the code. you resolved that problem?

user kadaff
kadaff 16 years ago

Strange I got an error Undefined by:
Also there is no lifting up:

user evansrwm
evansrwm 16 years ago

nixx meen!

user aofrintit
aofrintit 16 years ago


user zoom4267
zoom4267 16 years ago

very nice. realweb, its very easy, just open the images in photoshop, make a new graphic and save it as 1,2,3. then thats it,

user kshopa
kshopa 16 years ago


user vanguardista
vanguardista 16 years ago

I like...

user realwebdesigns
realwebdesigns 17 years ago

I just had a look at your file it's to complicated for I thought it was 3 buttons but it's just a images I have no idea of how to use that good file anyway

user realwebdesigns
realwebdesigns 17 years ago


user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 17 years ago


Yes this would be possible. Just look in the code for the onRelease function and in there you can add your custom code to make it display a larger image, or open an image into another window.

If you need more code specifics on how to do that, feel free to email me and I can throw something together for you real quick.

user realwebdesigns
realwebdesigns 17 years ago

Please answer I want to be able if button click to go to another frame or open bigger pic is it possible

user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 17 years ago

The file was created in Flash 8 (AS2). So if you open it with CS3, make sure to save it as a Flash 8 file (or you can reprogram it to AS3 if you like :P).

Also the file uses Tweener. So if you open it and re-save the file and don't have Tweener it will break it. So before you plan on editing it make sure you have Tweener downloaded, and Flash set to recognize it.

user dingenis
dingenis 17 years ago

Strange I got an error Undefined by:
Also there is no lifting up:(
Uses FlashCS3 9.0

user nlking
nlking 17 years ago

Good job 10/10*****

user realwebdesigns
realwebdesigns 17 years ago

I want to be able if button click to go to another frame or open bigger pic is it possible

user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 17 years ago

The main blue color is simply the stage color. After changing that color, all you need to do is find in the AS where the "fade gradient" is being created and change its color to that same color.

user SimonStaton
SimonStaton 17 years ago

hi I rearlly like this and am going to use it on my website however how would i go about changeing the blue background colour to a oranage

user lucaz
lucaz 17 years ago

Thanks switchBack !

user switchBack
the listing author switchBack 17 years ago

Thanks for doing that adrianTNT. This was my first upload so I was worried when I didn't see it working right.

@episode. Yea the wheel overlaps a little. I think this is a slightly older version. In the final version it doesn't. If your downloading the file, the way to get the correct effect is to just change the layer of the mask so that it falls below the 3 main buttons, and still overlaps the "reflections"

user episode
episode 17 years ago

very cool, just noticed with the car image, the wheel overlaps with the reflection

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 17 years ago

Looks nice BTW.
@users: click the "full size" link under the preview.

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 17 years ago

SwitchBack, I moved the xml file in the correct location and now the preview works fine.