This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
rcalasso (1)
Banner Rotation - XML
- support: SWF files, JPG, PNG, GIF...- file XML
- exchange every 7 seconds..
- Comea pelo mais atual
azmascarado (reformulado)
3174 downloads, 31153 views
banner rotator animation galleria rotation
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@rcalasso the file is Flash CS5 format but you set the details to "CS 4", it is confusing for users. Listing details edited.
teria como converter para Flash CS4?
Banner Atualizado!!
Cara,esse banner q esta vendo, esta com alguns erros... preciso arrumar ele... mas comea do 4 pq coloquei p/ comear do banner mais atual...
Me tira uma dvida j procurei e no achei pq o banner comea no mmero 4 e no no 1 ?
Obrigado pelo banner!
I am glad I helped!
Hi Daniel! Thank you 4 the updated file! I downloaded it and it works properly!!! You was in the right with the ";", I took a look! I put it without space between :) I appreciate that!
you can download my file at:
I put a ";" at the end of line 14 but it wont work:
line 14 is the prob.: mc.loadMovie (nossoXML.firstChild.childNodes[i].attri butes.local)
flash tells that a ')' or a ',' is expected so I treid, but it isnt o.k.
You put a "}" in line 15 but according to flash,it seens to be displaced, so I deteted and line 15 is o.k.. line 14 is the key.
I hope you can manage that, in order that button 1 plays swf 1.
If your new fla file works,please upload it again here, or tell us where to download that working fla.
if you type ";" in the end of line 14?
I sent you a E-mail with some hints why it wont work but with a question how to fix :)
Esko, the banner is working properly?
Where are you trying to publish?
Tell us what happens if it does not work or you simply will not open if possible send us the link so we can verify.
Opa Calasso,
o nosso amigo est dizendo q tem um problema na linha 15 do seu script, o compilador dele acusa que falta algo nesta linha, eu verifiquei o cdigo e parece tudo normal, ainda mais que o banner funciona normalmente.
Se vc puder ajudar!
Still the same fy friend, because button 1 plays button 2(only the first time it is ok): I found the 2 mistakes:
in line 14 is the } to much so I deteted it an that problem dissapeared but
in line 15 is an other problem: it tells that something is missing in that line: mc.loadMovie (nossoXML.firstChild.childNodes[i].attri butes.local)
hope you can manage that!
Depende do site que vai fazer... Se for com admin, bom usar banco de dados... mas se for um site simples, um hotsite por exemplo... no precisa... s trabalhar conversando simplismente com o XML.
Cara... uma tima profisso... Precisando de ajuda e estiver ao meu alcance, pode contar comigo tambm... meu email [email protected]..
Muito boa idia em trabalhar com xml, mas teria que linkar com um banco de dados de imagens para poder abrir as imagens n?
Cara, eu estou comeando agora a essa vida dura de programao e desenvolvimento de web, apesar de ter mais de 2 anos de formado, mas s agora resolvi trabalhar com isso e trabalhar de forma independente, estou me virando bem, mas ainda tem muita coisa a aprender.
E gostei muito do seu trabalho parabns!
Se precisar de algo estou a disposio.
Meu e-mail pessoal: [email protected]
friend good morning, I took a look at the code and it seems that everything is ok, just think it should have any problem with that line 4 is missing a sign ";" then this line should spin like this:
nossoXML.load ("galeria.xml ");
But from what I saw and tried not to disturb anything in the banner, but if you still have a problem, see the forums for action script.
Daniel,thanks for the help. I replaced the script, but it still says that there are 2 mistakes: line 14 and 15. I appreciate your help and would be thankful, if you manage that 2 line!?
Daniel... Sem problema algum.... estamos aqui p/ ajudar uns aos outros...
Sobre seu comentrio... meus sites so feitos com busca geral por xml. Valew pela fora... Abrao
o pessoal teve um problema com o script e eu dei uma arrumada, espero q vc no se incomode!
to repair, replace the code on action script:
var i:Number = 0
/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
var nossoXML:XML = new XML();
nossoXML.load ("galeria.xml")
nossoXML.ignoreWhite = true;
System.useCodepage = true;
/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
nossoXML.onLoad = function (){
/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
function carrega(){
mc.loadMovie (nossoXML.firstChild.childNodes[i].attri butes.local)
/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
voltar.onRelease = function(){
/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////
avancar.onRelease = function() {
function avancar() {
if (i == 2) {
i = 0;
} else {
/* foto1.gotoAndStop(1);
carrega();*/ //the diference
/* setInterval(function () {;
/////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// the diference
foto1.onRelease = function(){
/////////////////////////////////////// /////////////
foto2.onRelease = function(){
/////////////////////////////////////// /////////////
foto3.onRelease = function(){
I realized you're right!
I'll study the code and see if I can help ok?
It is working, but only the first time. If you click on the 2nd or 3rd button and then try then 1st button? It does not work!?!
Cara, vc reamnete um flashmanaco, seus sites so todos muito bem construdos, como vc administra o peso dos arquivos e fotos? sites desse tipo costumam ficar bem pesados!!!
here seems to be working
Button 1 seems to run in a wrong direction :(
How can I repair that?
its good i use it at my small website
auto play is missing.otherwise it will be good.
very good, only missed a auto-play!
Hi,the product like my simple banner banner_rotator_3040.html
Why is 1 > 2?!?
[non-English comment removed]
Very good man...