alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user robojiannis
robojiannis (7)


A smoke effect with user interaction.
If you want to edit anything edit and then recompile BlurPoints.fla to generate the flash file.

3875 downloads, 46028 views

actionscript smoke blur filter

Download (8.42 KB)


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user 5YN3105Y5
5YN3105Y5 8 years ago

Wooow! nice effect

user hector1439
hector1439 11 years ago


user ramanan
ramanan 11 years ago

how to do it

user cate
cate 12 years ago

Good work !

user vegas
vegas 12 years ago


user sandip_nilatkar
sandip_nilatkar 14 years ago

the best one

user jafilofs
jafilofs 14 years ago


user hector1439
hector1439 14 years ago


user designbeast
designbeast 14 years ago

very cool!

user Julx10
Julx10 14 years ago


user girishmohapatra
girishmohapatra 14 years ago

nice one

user arifbutt
arifbutt 14 years ago

well done robojiannis............ :)

user jennydisini
jennydisini 14 years ago

trip out

user davei97sit
davei97sit 14 years ago

Good One ......... :)

user cate
cate 14 years ago

I hope that my language is not too "bad" (I am French and my English is not always clear sometimes) but I try...
Sorry, but I try...and I'm respectful of the work which I see.

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

The problem is posting bad language, is not a problem to say that you do not consider a file useful but directly calling users in a certain way and swearing and similar language is not ok.
I hope this clarifies and ends this problem.

user WillyG66
WillyG66 14 years ago

To sweetyness:
Some of you can't take it when someone says something negative about one of your file(s). It's OK though when someone says something like...very nice or excellent work. This is a forum, so except the fact that negative and positive comments can be posted. If someone is going to post a flash file up that has no use what so ever, well, anyone should have the right to state there opinion about it without you or others feeling bad and getting so affended...or do you want people to lie to you just to make you feel better. When I made my apology, it wasn't a "Kind-of" apology. I meant it, so at least you can do is have some respect!!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

Comment(s) removed again.
Next users that posts bad language will be banned !

user cate
cate 14 years ago

With Flash 8 AS2 it's not possible ?
Congratulations for this nice work !

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

I removed some comments where users argues with bad language, please do not post comments with similar language.

user jose-manuel
jose-manuel 14 years ago

Good Work!!! Me parece un buen trabajo. Imaginen que en lugar de una linea sean letras de un logo, seria genial ese uso.-

user nex_us
nex_us 14 years ago

bravo ! awesome !

user sweetyness
sweetyness 14 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

Fla file is included now, if you want to edit anything edit and then recompile BlurPoints.fla to generate the flash file (BlurPoints.swf)

user pisopower
pisopower 14 years ago

the fla source is not included, but u only need create one ".fla" and defining the class of the document with the same name of the ".as" in the same directory. Is good. congrats.

user taxman
taxman 14 years ago

wow! amazing!

user cate
cate 14 years ago

Adrian is right, it needs source files !
Flash 10 AS3 ok with Actions but we can't test animation !

user pisopower
pisopower 14 years ago

very very good, thanks

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 14 years ago

It needs source file.

user cate
cate 15 years ago

It's so nice !
Good work !