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user robojiannis
robojiannis (7)

Papervision Text

A 3d typography example.
Fla file appears empty, edit the file by modifying the .as file and then compile the fla file again.

4811 downloads, 38744 views

papervision typography

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user fusarium
fusarium 9 years ago

Can anybody explain me how to change the text?

user rfreitaz
rfreitaz 11 years ago

Perfect! What about how to change the font type?
I'm having problem with width of the movie, because when display the movie it's cutted. For example, i need use in the 900px space, but the movie is cutted on to 650px width. I've already increase the size of the scene, but the movie stayed with the same width. How solve this? Can you help me?

user mabreo
mabreo 12 years ago

when I put a word with an accent the animation stops
how I can solve this

user benattabou
benattabou 13 years ago

nice one

user ramesh123
ramesh123 14 years ago

nice stuff

user dequila
dequila 14 years ago

wow...very nice~

user wiyono
wiyono 14 years ago

Best for you...
But i would like to change text not so fast changing.. so we can read the text... beacuse my text is litle bit more...
How to do that? which code i have to change?

Thank you..

user crazy77
crazy77 15 years ago

I love this and I changed the text in the .as file but how can I make a swf file out of it? hmmm with flash ? I dunno how ? :o(

user e11world
e11world 15 years ago

This is nice but I'd like to see one update to it. When the text groups together, it should specify the focus and zoom to show the text for long enough so people can read it.

user violetjoanne
violetjoanne 15 years ago

thanks ^^

user robojiannis
the listing author robojiannis 15 years ago

@adrianTNT. thanks a lot!!!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

I have to try papervision too very soon :)

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

Fla file is now included, fla file appears empty, edit the file by modifying the .as file and then compile the fla file again.

user robojiannis
the listing author robojiannis 15 years ago

take a look in the PaperVisionText Class.
there are three Text3D instances (words1, words2, words3), where you can change the text

user icerock
icerock 15 years ago

That is so cool.......How would you change the text? sorry bit of a noobie

user robojiannis
the listing author robojiannis 15 years ago

sorry for not having a *fla file, but I use the Flex architecture and don't have the Flash IDE.

you can easily use it in flash by doing the following:

import PaperVisionText;

var pvt : PapervisionText = new PaperVisionText ();

just make sure that is in the same folder as your *.fla file.
you can edit the '' file in the Flash IDE - that's where everything is initialized.

user juhpavan
juhpavan 15 years ago


user emem
emem 15 years ago

Love it, would be great if you'd submit the .fla..
Many thanks.

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

@robojiannis: please edit the files and include the fla file or we have to remove it.

user vicmar
vicmar 15 years ago


user maximasolutions
maximasolutions 15 years ago

Cool but cannot make any changes to it since there is no fla file.

user BabyJJ
BabyJJ 15 years ago

Woowww 0_o

user nikslakhani
nikslakhani 15 years ago

out standing yar supab, thanks

user rccintra
rccintra 15 years ago

Very impressive!

user WebDataBank
WebDataBank 15 years ago


user priitsaks
priitsaks 15 years ago

Very very nice !!!!

user tomekkie
tomekkie 15 years ago

Very nice work, but I am just wondering, whether could the same be achieved basing on pure AS 3d classes and blurr filter with no papervision.

user dfunk
dfunk 15 years ago

awesome work...

user lisnic
lisnic 15 years ago

the 3D is super, but I can't read the 3D text.
I hope it's easy modificable..

user ddsdc
ddsdc 15 years ago

super TOP

user cultpixel
cultpixel 15 years ago

8 - nice idea, only the readingtime is a litle short..

user nikopg
nikopg 15 years ago

10 stars!

user ramesh7199
ramesh7199 15 years ago

'A' class work, Thanx for shared.

user jorgerosa
jorgerosa 15 years ago

WOW... very very very very awesome! Thankyou for share! :D

user Ianzersw
Ianzersw 15 years ago

Very cery nice! Good Work!

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

ORG folder is there, so it should be good, I will approve it now.

user robojiannis
the listing author robojiannis 15 years ago

there is the papervisionText Class which initiates the script; this imports the necessary papervision classes, which are in the org folder. did i forget to include it?

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 15 years ago

Hello. That looks good but are the papervision files included so that the user can edit this? I am not sure how papervision works but I assume they have some kind of source file? Or are these just AS classes?