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user Gazing
Gazing (2)

3D Space Ship

I send here a 3D table work.But it was a isometric 3D.
I used my 3dengine.
When download you can see that .as file

1461 downloads, 21852 views
Download (8.12 KB)


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user lindyislife
lindyislife 8 years ago


user wareneik
wareneik 16 years ago

it's like the starfox ships xD!

user pirates
pirates 17 years ago

cool animation.....very helpful to learn

user adrianTNT
adrianTNT (admin) 17 years ago

Gazing, you can set your paypal or moneybookers acount in your profile as "donation options".

user fede
fede 17 years ago


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