Xml Event Viewer v.1 release date : 03.01.2009 developed by Alp TUGAN Features: Actionscript 3.0 Customizable XML File Automatically seperated Events Customizable interface For any questions:alptugan@gmail.com How to use: In Flash AS3 window(.fla), you need to type the following; ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ import com.*; var finalProjects:createNews = new createNews(10,50,"dates.xml", 120, 345 ,0xf1e2cd,"Arial",9.5,0xeedfcb,0xeedfcb,0xeedfcb) ; this.addChild(finalProjects); ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ You can easily edit interface of the "Xml Event Viewer". For current version, you have to type variables into the function. Otherwise it won't work. Note: Caurina Tweener class was not developped by me. It can be dowload freely from code.google.com/p/tweener/ Free of use I'd appreciate if you could send me the links to your websites when you apply the component.
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alptugan (2)
XML Event Viewer
Xml Event Viewer v.1 release date : 03.01.2009 developed by Alp TUGAN Features: Actionscript 3.0 Customizable XML File Automatically seperated Events Customizable interface For any questions:[email protected] How to use: In Flash AS3 window(.fla), you need to type the...
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Simple and great. Thanx dear
thanks 4 this nice post
please can u make it in as2 not as3
i need it any one help me
i need it to open in flash 8 (action script 2)
very good, thx
Gonna use it! THANX MAN!!!
looks so great,
thx for sharing^^
man, congrats, it's really cool!
eline saglik!