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user girishmohapatra
girishmohapa.. (4)

Stock Market Quotes

HI Friends, this is my second post. By this application you can able to fetch the stock market quotes form rss feeds. Here you ll get a php file. You can edit the file to get the stock quotes of the particular company you are looking for...

Note: Pls check the functionality in online or through Xampp. Offline You won't get the output.


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stockquotes rssfeeds market stock value

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user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 14 years ago

There are some feeds available in the market but those are not free source you have to pay to get the access. Only yahoo is providing free feeds in CSV format, For which i used php to make it compatible for Flash. If you have any query. Feel free to ask...

user Jumso
Jumso 14 years ago

Yes, girishmohapatra is right. But what other feed is available for this information?

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 14 years ago

It is not at all complicated i used php to fetch the stock quote and once you load all the files in a sever or localhost and run the swf through localhost the php will work and you will get the result. Otherwise php will not work.

user nyc10011
nyc10011 14 years ago

Why doesn't your sample file posted on display the stock quotes? The app seems to complicated to me.

user girishmohapatra
the listing author girishmohapatra 14 years ago

Hi,@Jumso, i think Dowjones value will be not available in the feeds from which we are getting the information. Otherwise it will work fine. You just check the feed again.

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