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user schanthery
schanthery (4)

read end write a xml file with actionscript and php

A mini web site with subscribe or unsubcribe function.
The function of this web site is to subscribe childrens into roller stage.
The list of chidrens is in a xml file who is updated with actionscript and php.
You must use this source in a (easy)php server if you want to test the function who save and write the xml file.

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user mata_2009
mata_2009 10 years ago

where I can get the php file ??

user cate
cate 12 years ago

Really it's a very good work ! thank's !!!

user elza.rsp
elza.rsp 12 years ago

Thank you for sharing your great work. Big hug!

user jcpadilla
jcpadilla 12 years ago


user raulsuarez
raulsuarez 12 years ago

It works good