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You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe

claire (1)
chat flash php
chat flash & php , very simple to customize, emoticon and text format, no database required, all files and explanation included in zip fileWho wants to see the preview:
After you download the files rename all the files like login.php_safe to login.php
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I wonder if anyone will read this. I need some help getting it to work. I'm trying to implement this into my flash site but I keep getting the login error. I changed the path of the "links" frame, and the permissions but my nicknames stay invalid. Any help is appreciated.
dont'work. how to install?
Hi All,
If anyone have troubles with showing the nick names
(I had it too and figured this out);
Go to frame 2 and click on the dymamic txt field where the nick
should be appear.
Change the variable in the properties panel from login, into nickname.
Problem solved so far as I see.
Yhank you!! great!
dont'work on php 5 :( sorry