freeskier89's profile
Member since | 07 Oct 2005 |
Comments posted | 1 |
Total files submitted | 34 |
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Submitted files

AS StringGallery
Here is an image gallery I made for a battle at where a gallery had to be created entirely using ActionScript. Dou ...
Here is a quick experiment I did tonight and it ended up being only 30 lines of code and it could easily be condensed. Feel f ...
Waves of Color
This is another bitmapData experiment of mine :) Please let me know what you think ;)
This is something I made for a purely actionscript battle over at Every thing you see is drawn with the drawing a ...
Autumn Trees
Here is a quick experiment with generating fractal trees and using the BitmapData class to speed it up a bunch.
3d Polar Revolution
Here is a neat thing that I made today. I will probably expand upon it in the near future. Please let me know what you think!
Actionscript Asteroids
Here is a flash asteroids game that I coded today. It is done entirely with actionscript, there is not a drawn object in the ...
Elastic String
Here is a quick something I did tonight. I am planning on making it more realistic in the future. It is totally A ...
Here is a recursion experiment that I whipped up yesterday that produces some nice looking lightning. Please let me know what ...
Gnarly Tree
Here is a little recursive branching thing I whipped up today, because I had nothing better to do. It is made entirely with a ...
Terrain Collisions
The code is really really condensed, and if you wish to have it be a bit more understandable, see this thread: www.kirupa ...
Spiraling Follower
Here is a cool little script I made that works to my elasticity worm thing. Three nodes are created and then foreach of those ...
Space Filling
Warning: Do not leave this running for a long time, it Will crash your computer for it does not terminate. This will fill ...
Color Wave
This creates a grid and sets the RGB of each clip based on the distance of the wave's center to the mc. I have it pretty well ...
Interactive Tree V2
This is a fractal tree that allows user interaction. This is an updated version of the one I had on here previously.
Fractal Tree v2.0
This fractal tree utelizes a recursive onEnterFrame events to generate a chaotic fractal tree. I think it is one of my best f ...
Mandelbrot Set
Here is a Mandelbrot set I whipped up in flash 8. It uses a seperate Complex number class in an .as file.
Ikeda Attractor
This is a quick thing I made in flash 8 that was inspired by the book Chaos and Fractals" produced by the American Mathematic ...
De Jong Attractor
You may have to reset it a few times before you see something that looks like a typical strange attractor. This is ...
Chaotic Sierpinski
This is the first thing I have made in flash 8 :D. It performs 1000 iterations per frame. This is a LOT faster than previous ...
Koch's Island
This application will generate Koch's curve. It uses a base-motif algorithm where points are stored in an array and then on ...
Polar Daisy
This application draws a polar rose. To convert polar to parametric graphing, I came up with the equation: x=radius*Math.c ...
3D Wave
This application generates sinsuoidal waves on a psuedo 3d grid. I really came by this effect by accident. If you look at the ...