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user bristick
bristick (3)

TweenMenu v2++

Just a simple evolution of the kutsalodun's tween menu
See it in fullscreen ! Optimised for full browser..
I've added some actions that let appear categories..And a drag and drop on the menu.
Hope you like it, this is my 1st submission for Ffiles!
Need the laco tween class of course

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user curtman
curtman 16 years ago

Bad Scripting....!!!
you need to create a varible that makes the menu that is open, to close if another button is pressed!. its a waiste of time to have to click the X close button every time!

user murasaki
murasaki 17 years ago

Great! >_<

user ajitsree
ajitsree 17 years ago

nice one

KARACELIK 17 years ago

thank you ,I wish we have is it good idea

KARACELIK 17 years ago


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