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user mukeshmehra
mukeshmehra (1)

Loading data into datagrid using xml

fetching data from xml and loading a datagrid and a combobox
1366 downloads, 21352 views

combo box datagrid xml

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user mukeshmehra
the listing author mukeshmehra 14 years ago

Hey chahoub4 you can use the trace command to see if you are not accessing the null object or getting the null values. Working with xml is quite a tedious task in AS2, you got to find the proper parent child relation ok best of luck.

user chahoub4
chahoub4 14 years ago

hello Sir : iwant ask yoou if you have solution, ive just start flash and i want import xml file to a swf file i creat php that update every time the xml.

now when php update the xml file always creat 1st this

<?xml version="1.0"?>


and as dont know the arborecence

i used like as2:

xmlNews = new XML();
xmlNews.onLoad = affichageNews;
function affichageNews() {
txt = xmlNews.firstChild.childNodes[0].nodeVal ue();

but write me indefinded can you help me?????? thank you

user Marto
Marto 15 years ago

How I wish this was in 2.0 :(

user cate
cate 15 years ago

Good Work !

user caiovj
caiovj 15 years ago

Whoa! thanks mukesh!
best regards!

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