alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user jcdesign
jcdesign (1)

Iphone Unlock with Flash

Unlocking the iPhone using the flash!
PS: Sorry for the English, I'm brazilian

Listing url:
1117 downloads, 20870 views

mouse button

Download (370.43 KB)


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user Spredemann
Spredemann 14 years ago

cara, acessando teu site em um monitor 1920x1080 chegando nos extremos da imagem da pra ver onde ela acaba... s um toque mesmo.
legal o unlocker :D

user littleshell
littleshell 14 years ago

with Flash CS5, although apple may not approve any apps created from flash, it can compiles .ipa file and works on iphone

it would be great if dont trigger mouseOut

user cooper09
cooper09 14 years ago

I thought u couldn't run flash on an iphone?

user brunogomes
brunogomes 14 years ago

Muito bom e parabns pelo site.
Espero conseguir chegar a esse nvel tb.

user serhat
serhat 14 years ago

Good work

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