alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user tombrokeoff
tombrokeoff (1)

External SWF Loader and Swapper Thing

A buddy of mine approached me about something his worked asked him to do. He wanted to know if there was a simpler way to do what they were asking through a dynamic actionscript setup. He basically had a bunch of separate graph files saved as swfs/flas. Those swfs needed to be loaded into a main file and placed in a vertical column. Each swf had anywhere from 3, 4, 5 or more "states" and... more >
1741 downloads, 18030 views
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user tombrokeoff
the listing author tombrokeoff 16 years ago

@ lovromar - there are two actionscript files included, and Also, I have files that are newer than these that I never posted on here. If you would like them, then find a way to get me your email address. You might have to leave it as a comment. The newer files dont have a couple of the bugs that are in this one.

user lovromar
lovromar 16 years ago

i downloaded file but fla file doesnt have and as code inside? :((
Help....this flash kicks azz!

user mailpoint26
mailpoint26 16 years ago

good scripting Great! Thanks for sharing.

user ishfar
ishfar 17 years ago

good scripting

user Revixi5
Revixi5 17 years ago

Great! Thanks for sharing.

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