alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user _this
_this (9)

Context Menu

When right click u can use the context menu to execute any functions.
2937 downloads, 24443 views

right click menu context

Download (11.49 KB)


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user fvv
fvv 16 years ago


user BobYoung
BobYoung 16 years ago

Outstanding work. Can you inform me on how 2 add more 2 tha menu?

user qbicle
qbicle 16 years ago

hey, a whole new world of links is opening now, THX ALOT!!!

user Literarydinsor
Literarydinsor 16 years ago



user husain
husain 17 years ago

wow buddy its so awsome its really totally diffrent work to all i hats off dear can u guide me plz how i add one more item on context menu like ffiles click then ffiles click2 plz buddy i will b v thankful

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