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user pavlicko
pavlicko (4)

Easily Modifiable Text Animations

Simple to use text effect animation - Add text to display within the actionscript, then experiment by changing values in the actionscript file.

Endless possibilities.

5866 downloads, 39123 views

flash text effects customizable text animation actionscript effects

Download (34.25 KB)


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user tommyos
tommyos 13 years ago

To change the color, just edit the MovieClipe "letter" to whatever color you want.
The problem here is that the animation stops after the text shows and I want it to keep playing the movie to the end... how I do that?

user jada0786
jada0786 14 years ago

ok, please forgive the following question, which will probably be perceived as dumb. Butm how do i access the html code for this text animation? i downloaded the file and opened the notepad document that says "copy html code" but the code that comes up has a bunch of funny characters and looks nothing like html code i've ever seen. what am i doing wrong?

user ifuwant2know
ifuwant2know 14 years ago

You have some truly impressive scripts here!

user selam65
selam65 15 years ago


user smlie4
smlie4 15 years ago

I want to change the font colour to white so I added modified line 53 in the action script so that it looks like this.

format.font = "Arial";
format.color = 0xFFFFFF;

But when I preview the text colour is still black. I have done some google searching and this is the code other sites say to change font colour. Help.

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