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user activetofocus
activetofocu.. (9)

Team Module

1.xml driven. jpeg,gif,png,swf files. html format

Use Method:
just edit xml file to add team .
<!-- add all item -->
<!-- set item name,level,icon,src,desc -->
<item src='sitedata/team_img/m1.jpg' icon='sitedata/team_img/1.jpg' name='Jason' level='CEO'>
<![CDATA[<font size="12" face="Arial" color="#666666"> This is...
more >
Listing url:
4485 downloads, 46068 views

as3 team module xml driven activetofocus html format

Download (713.81 KB)


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user WillyG66
WillyG66 11 years ago

Excellent work. Thank you.

user deepak1234
deepak1234 13 years ago

it's nice

user Yvanoph
Yvanoph 14 years ago

@Tomhanks Sorry, but last link don't work, as much in FF than Ie ! ! !

user Tomhanks
Tomhanks 14 years ago - now it should work, however: Great Thankyou - can i give You a link?

user Yvanoph
Yvanoph 14 years ago

@Tomhanks I think you're speaking abour , there is one . too much (Smile) ! However it's not working in FireFox in such case, dammage...

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