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user CalgarC
CalgarC (3)

monochrome v2.1

There was a small scripting error with version 2.0 so i fixed it ehre is the good version. Here is an edit of a web template made by sirlsaac<br />this edit adds some music it edits the buttons and changes fonts.<br />and ads sound to the animations at the start. i also added a preloader and right click menu.
5924 downloads, 58775 views
Download (766.29 KB)


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user nannie_nk
nannie_nk 14 years ago

it's great

user mrk79uk
mrk79uk 15 years ago

Error opening include file File not found.

I am new to flash so I appologize if this is a stupid question. I recieve this error upon opening the project. Also the navigation of the buttons is slightly off. Is this due to the same error code?

user zerozign
zerozign 15 years ago


user Ayhan1317
Ayhan1317 16 years ago

great job a bueatuful profisyoneLs ;)

user m_lokeshkumar
m_lokeshkumar 16 years ago

great job;;;;;;;;

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