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user brettmcmaugh
brettmcmaugh (17)

AS3 Template Menu 3d intro

An idea I threw together but like many other projects i end up quitting half way.Basically i was goin for a portfolio idea but feel free to use this, please be patient for the anitial load i had removed it and forgot to put it back
3153 downloads, 35186 views

menu animated intro 3d page

Download (12.10 MB)


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user s092631
s092631 11 years ago


user madjisaf
madjisaf 12 years ago

Great !!!! thanks

user SirAnto
SirAnto 12 years ago

This is one great job. well done.

user avi3d
avi3d 13 years ago

Great hobby you have :) keep it up then!

user Yvanoph
Yvanoph 13 years ago

Very nice, however, unable to use, as much builded with CS 5.5 ! ! !
Can't you copy in CS 5 ? I hope, sincerely, Yvanoph---

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