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user designbeast
designbeast (4)

animal family application

an as3 application that dynamically populates and sorts menus, sub-menus, thumbnails and large view pics and description from an external xml file. Note: not sure if the dummy info I used for this demo is at all accurate...
3302 downloads, 27750 views

as3 actionscript application xml interface

Download (1.52 MB)


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user tristan197
tristan197 12 years ago

well done!

user heomongbu
heomongbu 13 years ago


user ovm.surendar
ovm.surendar 13 years ago

Nice work friend...!

user designbeast
the listing author designbeast 13 years ago

Thanks for the kind words guys!

This project was built with cs5, I would provide you guys with a cs4 version if I could (I've done so on numerous occasions in the past), unfortunately, believe it or not, my computer crashed sometime ago and I didn't have a backup saved.

Worry not though, I am due to put up another tutorial file pretty soon ( as soon as my work slowed down a bit), stay tune!

In the meantime, for more in-depth tutorials on actionscript, you guys can check out my blog at:


user Hjai
Hjai 13 years ago

Excellent website, DesignBeast. I'm especially fond of the video background on your home site. I have a fellow in one of my classes who's attempting to create something very similar and I have a sneaking suspicion, based on his IA documents, you may be his inspiration ;)

I was wondering if you could provide a CS4 version of this file? Based on your writing and tips from your site, I think your development structure might be a good place to start learning how to follow good practices.

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