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Camera Shutter Animation

Camera Shutter Animation

This is a small animation of a camera shutter opening and closing in a loop. It is enclosed within a movie clip, so it can e ... Rated 4.0 of 5 3901
Rotational buttons

Rotational buttons

A rotational navigation. Rated 4.3 of 5 3975
Navigation bar Pc Repair Site

Navigation bar Pc Repair Site

A quickly done Nav bar for a PC Repair company's website I'm designing. Rated 4.5 of 5 2770
Buttons With Custom Class

Buttons With Custom Class

A button class with label set,Mouse over/out tween and bounce etc. tween using tweenLite. Rated 4.5 of 5 5404
Peaceful Nature Animation

Peaceful Nature Animation

A simple colorfull animation. Author's tite: "Nature love". Rated 3.4 of 5 2243
Pandit Song

Pandit Song

Funny animatioin Rated 3.8 of 5 2872