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Circular Glowing Preloader

Circular Glowing Preloader

This is a simple circular preloader with a pulsating glow effect. It's extremely small in size (only 1kb), and it's very easy ... Rated 4.6 of 5 31322
Movies by XML

Movies by XML

All the information is inside .XML file. Components used : Tree,textArea and Loader. Tree was change using 'setStyle' code. Rated 3.7 of 5 3461
Blur Tween

Blur Tween

This is a blur tween function that blurs any movieclip in any direction, with any speed, with any kind of easing, etc. The pr ... Rated 4.9 of 5 1350
Snow or Rain

Snow or Rain

Playing with movieclips and actionscript to simulate the snow and the rain effects... Rated 3.8 of 5 2965
SetaToolTips v2.0

SetaToolTips v2.0

based tooltip function, now is working with a movieclipe ALERT - all the mouse tooltips imagens must be inside mcMouses. ... Rated 4.4 of 5 2695
3d cube animation

3d cube animation

Playing movie on the cube. Rated 3.6 of 5 1937