Search results for click (116)

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monochrome v2.1

monochrome v2.1

There was a small scripting error with version 2.0 so i fixed it ehre is the good version. Here is an edit of a web template ... Rated 3.7 of 5 5924


An Etch-A-Sketch simulator of sorts. The knobs have rotational mouse control. I also added keyboard control so you can do mul ... Rated 4.9 of 5 1944
Web Gallery v2 beta

Web Gallery v2 beta

After much time since my first one, if u want u can see the first version here: / ... Rated 4.7 of 5 11422
XML Gallery 4

XML Gallery 4

Hi Folks, here we are! Finally this is the updated version of XML GALLERY 2 (accidentaly is number 4, since dariolavora h ... Rated 4.6 of 5 5368
red grass

red grass

CLICK!!! Click around to make it grow or wipe it off with SpaceBar. Most of the code was recycled from an old flash. Changed ... Rated 3.3 of 5 2195
Dynamic Columns

Dynamic Columns

A Dynamic columns with actionscript.. Uses mc_tween from zeh: Sorry I ... Rated 3.6 of 5 2604