alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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//ChackFunction = true,false inertia = 0.1 , speed = 5 , jumpHeight = 40 , s = 0 , Position Y = nameMovieClip._y , nameClip = nameMovieClip , _global._ReturnJumper = 0 and 1<br />InstanceName._Jumper(ChackFunction, inertia , speed, jumpHeight, s, PositionY, nameClip);
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user wobo45
wobo45 16 years ago

I agree with noisywan, it does look like a fixed motion tween.

user noisywan
noisywan 17 years ago

Looks like a fixed animation. I think it needs some randomness so it could look more dynamic.