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user tedtots
tedtots (1)

Zoom x2 Gallery

Click an image once and the gallery will zoom. Click it again and the image will zoom in where you clicked it.
Use the arrow buttons at the bottom to load more images and the bigger arrows, once zoomed in, to go to the next/previous image.

Made in AS2 a little while ago, the code is also a little rough and could be written more efficiently.
All comments and critiques welcome.


3871 downloads, 38507 views

zoom gallery as2

Download (1.79 MB)


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user ravijujju
ravijujju 14 years ago

Very Use full ..............Thanx

user darkmasterg
darkmasterg 14 years ago

oh this was grest one

user gotDESIGN
gotDESIGN 15 years ago


user otto1303
otto1303 15 years ago

Very good. Thanks.

user veera123
veera123 15 years ago

this was the great one...!
thanks for the nice work...!

show all 14 comments