alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user ramesh123
ramesh123 (8)

XML Gallery

AS2 xml gallery with cool sliding effect
10912 downloads, 52059 views

as2 xmlgallery

Download (397.06 KB)


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user J.Kovalev
J.Kovalev 11 years ago

There is a little piece of loader simbol on ALL frames of gallary. Loader movie clip need correction. :(

user sanjiban
sanjiban 12 years ago

when i go to next scene, the gallery retains! how can i unload this?

user naveensh231
naveensh231 13 years ago

image link url is not working any one can help me

user vijay.vijay
vijay.vijay 13 years ago

Its gr8, do you have its as3 version?

user Stefsterhb
Stefsterhb 14 years ago

Doesn't really work great. Title doesn't work even though it's listed in XML

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