After much time since my first one, if u want u can see the first version ross_762.html And others user modify my first gallery and do some great work, u can see these jobs (this one is very good!) And have one new version in PHP, but its sou better than mine, so i decide don't put this here! But i try to do it again, fix some bugs, and upgrading some functions, so, here is my change log: - the images don't get out of stage, like old versions, now he calculate to more than 90% of image stay on the Stage - the XML file is now, stands compatible, is formated, like W3C says, with the nodes! Not more this the attributes, like my first! - now the images can have the size u want. the gallery adjust, an put on the correct place, and put some nice effects, and bord :) - u can Drag and Drop (thanks to the mc9625 for the original idea); - to open a image, u simple double-click it :) - nice effects on each image - now with the Fuze! Much better than tween class! U can download - now the images can't be dragget out of stage! - very faster than older! Very Improved! Very Very :P - thanks to the adrianTNT :D And thats all! I Hope all u like! please comment! With ideas, criticize all u want!
alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with
Flash Player exe
badawe (4)
Web Gallery v2 beta
After much time since my first one, if u want u can see the first version ross_762.html And others user modify my first gallery and do some great work, u can see these jobs .
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I can'T open, that staying error?
Tnak you
hola, una consulta que accion le pones para que las imagenes no aparezcan tann arriba de la pelicula y ademas que aparezcan mas separadas?
hello, a query that you put action to that images do not appear so high besides the movie and appear more separated?
excellent brother
very very nice !! congratulations !!! you are brazlian ? / cara tu brasileiro ?