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user badawe
badawe (4)

Web Gallery v2 beta

After much time since my first one, if u want u can see the first version here: ross_762.html

And others user modify my first gallery and do some great work, u can see these jobs here: .
more >
11422 downloads, 57592 views
Download (480.84 KB)


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user wiyono
wiyono 15 years ago

I can'T open, that staying error?

Tnak you

user thcxl
thcxl 15 years ago

hola, una consulta que accion le pones para que las imagenes no aparezcan tann arriba de la pelicula y ademas que aparezcan mas separadas?

hello, a query that you put action to that images do not appear so high besides the movie and appear more separated?


user darkwarrior
darkwarrior 15 years ago

excellent brother

user edgardvarella
edgardvarella 16 years ago

very very nice !! congratulations !!! you are brazlian ? / cara tu brasileiro ?

user m.n.a
m.n.a 16 years ago


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