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user JuliusDesign
JuliusDesign (7)

Thumbnail Flash Gallery

This is flash gallery dynamic uses file XML

You can download more implementation of the Flash Gallery reading the Tutorial on the BLOG

Listing url:
19213 downloads, 92890 views
Download (1.51 MB)


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user crimibcn
crimibcn 15 years ago

Hi, very nice. It's possible use this gallery with flv player?

user zebedak
zebedak 15 years ago

Hi There I desperately need help please, I am trying to link the image thumbnail to a url instead of the larger image. So if the first thumbnail was a picture of flowers I would like it to go to the flower gallery of its own instead of the larger image. Please help I went to the blog but its not in ennglish :( I really love this gallery please help if you can [email protected] Not sure if I change the xml or the actual action script.

user madhavan
madhavan 15 years ago

Nice Work Thanks

user rajaa
rajaa 15 years ago

Very Nice work...

user ankur
ankur 15 years ago

good work.........

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