alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user suvra
suvra (2)

Simple SlideShow with Fade Effect

Simple slideshow with fade transition effect, written in ActionScript 3.0
3208 downloads, 33484 views

fade in image gallery simple slide show

Download (207.16 KB)


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user ekojogja
ekojogja 9 years ago


user Caesar
Caesar 13 years ago

I am also a beginner, sorry if my question doesn't make sense.
I changed the 4 pics in the folder to my own ones, renaming. All seems to work, but I would need to get everything in the swf file, and not pictures in a folder, and swf empty.
I have flash, but unable to push everything in the swf file, so that just that one is needed to play the picture sequence.
Any idea?

user TheKingsAlive
TheKingsAlive 14 years ago

Great...though im getting a problem. It is because im a begginner in AS 3.0. What i did is to put

include "";

in some photogram in my principal timeline, and in the archive "" i changed the loader coordenates.

The problem is that the image gallery, keeps showing in x=0, y=0, and then in where i wanted in the first place. So im getting 2 image galleries, one above the other...

Any help?

user suvra
the listing author suvra 15 years ago

Thnks for your comments mina :)

user minamagdy666
minamagdy666 15 years ago

thank you suvra its working good .. just I tried to put 3 photos and change the variable "j" but didnt gave me the same result ... so I left the code as it and just delete 1 photo from img folder and its done! haha thanks again

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