alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user lucaz
lucaz (10)

Photos and video gallery

The 3 images go to the same video, you just need to change the address of the link, i put the editable of the video slide.

thanks for the oportunity of sharing in this site.

18709 downloads, 150540 views
Download (6.01 MB)


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user aveef
aveef 13 years ago

What a great work! awesome

user wiyono
wiyono 14 years ago

Do't work...

user wiyono
wiyono 15 years ago

Sorry for me that don't work, when i click the pic nothing come big picture, your preview too, don't work..
Can you help me?

Thank you

user gemedj89
gemedj89 15 years ago

thanks for share

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 15 years ago

Hi nurul!!!

What you mean with w0rdings?

Thank you!

user svpremo2
svpremo2 15 years ago

great job!!! thank you!

user nurul
nurul 15 years ago

i'm a first timer in this site.. after d0wnl0ad, h0w t0 change the w0rdings? s0ry,my eng is n0t s0 g0od..

user ry007
ry007 15 years ago

Thank you so very very very much!! !!!!

user Ryne
Ryne 15 years ago

thanks a lot, this shares should stop poverty to any flash-ers :D

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 15 years ago

Hi leandrodc7!!!

Sorry for answer in english, i speak spanish too but is a requirement for this site, all the site is in english ;)
You need to create the .flv files and point the respective link to them.

If you need help just post :)

Thank you

user leandrodc7
leandrodc7 15 years ago

hola, gracias pero no funciona despues la visualizacion, No responde, creo q falta algo. [email protected] GRACIAS y ya lei

user webqueiroz
webqueiroz 15 years ago

Very goog

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 15 years ago

Hi!!! Sorry for answer till now.
I upload the files with some changes. for the next and prev buttons just make sure that the layer called "btns prev and next" is not a guide layer, if you download the .zip file you will find a image showing a example. Sorry for those of you that just can open it in flash *, i cannot save it in this version because i don't have anymore Flash CS3 :(

Hope it will be of help.
Thank you so much

user njoay
njoay 16 years ago

Hi Lucaz, I'm having problems with the next and prev mc too. They don't show up. Please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Also, is there a way to put up more videos and thumbnails instead of just three? Thanks for all your help!

user XavierP
XavierP 16 years ago

Hi Lucaz! very nice gallery.....but Im having a problem with the next and prev mc, they dont show up in the swf, can you give a clue of how to fix it.... could you also send me this in flash 8? Thanks!
My email is [email protected]

user chesilly
chesilly 16 years ago

lucas could you also send me this in flash 8? [email protected]

user sdl_ripon
sdl_ripon 16 years ago

Good job

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 16 years ago

Yes it needs CS3 or CS4, but i will save it to Flash 8 in my house and upload it somewhere and tell you... this is my msn [email protected]

Thanks :)

user Hteesee
Hteesee 16 years ago

Very smart Lucaz, really like this.
I also cannot open the .fla with my Flash 8 ... does this require a later version?

user commerweb
commerweb 16 years ago

Hi, great work, but i can't open it in Flash 8. Can you help me please?
email: [email protected]

user stas931
stas931 16 years ago

ya thats what i need keep up the good work

user aofrintit
aofrintit 16 years ago

so cool

user ritual_2001
ritual_2001 16 years ago

Hello, I am new to flash, how can I add more images to the fla file? Thanks a lot and thumps up for this file...its very Nice!

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 16 years ago

I added you to my msn list :D

user LO_LA
LO_LA 16 years ago

Hi Lucaz! nice gallery.....but Im having a problem with the next and prev mc, they dont show up in the swf, can you give a clue of how to fix it....thanks!
My email is [email protected]

user ztit
ztit 16 years ago

Very nice, thanks !

user chevy0114
chevy0114 16 years ago


user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 16 years ago

Hi Chevy0114 ! Sorry i move the files to another location, i can send them to you if you give me your email.

user chevy0114
chevy0114 16 years ago

Hola lucaz!! te felicito, es muy bueno el trabajo que haces. te pregunto algo .. me meti en esta direccion que es la que llama el flash.. y no me esta cargando nada.. que es lo que me falta en el archivo? muchas gracias!! y denuevo felicitaciones

user ev4n
ev4n 16 years ago

this is a great gallery, only a few problems :(
the back and next button dont show up (even on the above preview) and the way you have faded in/out makes this impossible to use with anything but a black background.
thanks for sharing though, made me learn heaps :D
would be great if you could help me fix the above problems!

user ng4hire
ng4hire 16 years ago

ok Lucaz, please email me at [email protected]

thank you.

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 16 years ago

Hi ng4hire ! sure i am interested, but i think is better that you put your email for me to send you mine please.

Thanks and will be a pleasure.

user ng4hire
ng4hire 16 years ago

hi, wonderful works. I have an Art Gallery website to be programmed, would you been interested? Please drop me your email address so I can email you the project brief. Thank you.

user pradeepkorriya
pradeepkorriya 16 years ago

its really too cool thanks for shayring

user pixelcurvo
pixelcurvo 16 years ago

I'sorry but i couldn't open the file "Failed to open document"(said flash).
Some help please...

Thanks in advanced

user ankcyber
ankcyber 16 years ago

that`s great

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 16 years ago

Hi manga !

Which Flash version you have ?

user slalomp
slalomp 16 years ago


user asiruzgar
asiruzgar 16 years ago

thanks very nice

user xelafig
xelafig 17 years ago

Great, thanks for share your time and code

user manga
manga 17 years ago

I can not open fla files...?

user karaveri
karaveri 17 years ago


user adonnelly1956
adonnelly1956 17 years ago

There you go again, You are awsome!

user theadventor
theadventor 17 years ago

Good effort. Verrry cool!

user keiko2
keiko2 17 years ago


user hermass
hermass 17 years ago


user evolo
evolo 17 years ago


user panu101
panu101 17 years ago


user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 17 years ago

Thanks so much popljubo :D !!!

user popljubo
popljubo 17 years ago

like it! keep on rockin' lucaz

user jing1
jing1 17 years ago

great post.

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 17 years ago

Is just that it has more pictures, in the .fla file there is a layer called "Layer 1" (sorry i didt named it) it is a guide, release it from be a guide and you will see a arrow that take you to the right, to more pictures. The problem cames out because it is calling .swf files that are not in the folder, just make them

user mack40801
mack40801 17 years ago

To lucaz: Well, but writes me it: Error opening URL 'file:///D|/---/undefined'. I don't know where's error.

user karaveri
karaveri 17 years ago


user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 17 years ago

It is part of the Flash program, i didnt install it as a extension or something

user mack40801
mack40801 17 years ago

Good job! However, I have problem, where find mx.transitions.Tween and mx.transitions.easing.*???

user fatihkececi
fatihkececi 17 years ago

excellent!!!. thanks your sharing. i will use your file in my project.

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 17 years ago

programa pra extrail-lo winrar

user huawei
huawei 17 years ago

excelente trabajo

user lucaz
the listing author lucaz 17 years ago

Hi snouly ! I am from Costa Rica, i think you posted a question but i did not understand, can you please post it in spanish or english. :) Thanks.

user snouly
snouly 17 years ago

Ola, muito bom, mas como extrair, qual o programa pra extrail-lo,obrigado.

user gasper19
gasper19 17 years ago

good work

user jam-pro
jam-pro 17 years ago

nice work