alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user easyshooter
easyshooter (3)

Flash lightbox

A Flash LightBox, U can replace the buttons graphics with the pictures thumbnails.
6098 downloads, 42689 views

lightbox image popup

Download (78.50 KB)


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user sanjiban
sanjiban 11 years ago

How to pop-up a video player?

user pathanazar
pathanazar 13 years ago

thanks for this cool lightbox...
can i insert next previous buttons in this

user bakaboda
bakaboda 14 years ago

oh< ia m sorry, I have not been in here for a longer time .. Thank you for your answer, I am glad. Well, I would like to use your flashbox in my site for my gallery and just would like to ask you for hellp if I wanna use more pictures, in my case about 20. Can you help me with this ..?
Thank you very much,
I will leave my email as well, you can contact me straight in there : [email protected]

user easyshooter
the listing author easyshooter 14 years ago

to bakaboda :
Yes we can help you. You can ask what you want.

user bakaboda
bakaboda 14 years ago

hi, I am working on my flash site and it is almost done, what is missing in there is gallery ... I am still looking for the same effect as you brought for us in here. I did try already about milion examples and all failed by actionscript. When I use frames from downloaded document into my timeline, flash just getting crazy and movie is playing without stop saying there is a conflicting actionscript, I mean there is not support for ... is there anybody who can help me to find solution for my gallery and finish my site ...? I would like to use lightbox in there, thank you, Robert.

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