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user FlashDevelopment
FlashDevelop.. (3)

Dynamic 3D Wall Gallery V1.00

If you like this File please donate 1 on the paypal account [email protected], also if you want to use this file for commerical projects. Thanks!!! Please note that this file work not correct on this site, please Download this file to make it work right!!!
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user asishere
asishere 14 years ago

Really Awesome :)

user fangge.8888
fangge.8888 14 years ago

GalleryData0126 27

user juicebox
juicebox 14 years ago

there is also a little problem where if you click on a panel a few times it zooms in past the panel and F#!ks out, to fix it just go to line

201 and change it from, 2, {x:xposition, y:yposition, z:zcamposition+350, rotationY:0});

to, 2, {x:xposition, y:yposition, z:-280, rotationY:0});

and line 208 change from, 2, {x:xcamposition, y:ycamposition, z:zcamposition, rotationY:0});

to, 2, {x:xcamposition, y:ycamposition, z:-695, rotationY:0});

lastly change line 232 from, 2, {x:xposition, y:yposition, z:zcamposition+350, rotationY:0});

to, 2, {x:xposition, y:yposition, z:-280, rotationY:0});

and you should be ready to rumble
woop woop

user wiyono
wiyono 14 years ago

Thank you so much...
Thank you so much...
Thank you so much...

user juicebox
juicebox 14 years ago

go to ds/detail? =2&q=

download papervision 1.5
repalce the papervsion that came with this download
then comment out
//import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;
//import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Pla ne;
then hit Ctrl + Enter to publish
thats all i did and it worked :)

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