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user JuliusDesign
JuliusDesign (7)

ASboxe Flash Lightbox

ASbox is a class AS3 that simulates effect Lightbox entirely in Flash without using JavaScript codes
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user jigneshsony
jigneshsony 15 years ago

Hi,Nice work dear.

user davidrra
davidrra 16 years ago

HI! I'm new in this.... How can I add more pictures? please HELP!!!!!!

user Cyberphonics
Cyberphonics 16 years ago

I love this. I've been trying to find something like this only that runs from xml.

user FlashDevelopment
FlashDevelopment 16 years ago

Great work andvery usefull!


user marcellosurdi
marcellosurdi 17 years ago

Sorry, only AS 3.0

user dekslayer
dekslayer 17 years ago

Do you have it on AS 2.0 ?

user feeblefetzer
feeblefetzer 17 years ago

I like the simplicity. Nice job.

user azzurro_
azzurro_ 17 years ago


user coll4480
coll4480 17 years ago

I need help!! I placed this file into an existing document that I made but it doesn't work.

user melvin
melvin 17 years ago

i like it.... nice

user Lekin
Lekin 17 years ago


Very Good!

user yoshimeko
yoshimeko 17 years ago


JANITA 17 years ago

very nice

user wolverene
wolverene 17 years ago

Cool Gallery. Would love to see something done with xml though. Overall its cool!!!

user marcellosurdi
marcellosurdi 17 years ago

To change the word "CHIUDI" you must modify the symbol closerMC in the ASbox directory in your Library.
Marcello Surdi

user geniusgrafix
geniusgrafix 17 years ago

Where I go for change the word "CHIUDI" instead that great job
love it

user nnielss
nnielss 17 years ago

very simple but clean

user melvin
melvin 17 years ago


user tmmahgoob
tmmahgoob 17 years ago

very beautiful

user thumbnailVixen
thumbnailVixen 17 years ago

how would you insert this into your own swf or dreamweaver file?

user park122812
park122812 17 years ago

Thacks~ master

user DanFelip
DanFelip 17 years ago

BEA Utiful.. keep the good work

user jice
jice 17 years ago

hi there great file
any chance to make it in flash 8?
that would be sweet

user raz
raz 17 years ago

im using flash cs3 but i dony understand why tgis doesnt work. can anybody help me pleaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee

user sandeepparwal
sandeepparwal 17 years ago

If you can add the preloader that would be very fine.

user oloko555
oloko555 17 years ago

voc teria algum efeito lightbox em action script 2.0??????????

user JuliusDesign
the listing author JuliusDesign 17 years ago

@brixy you use Flash cs3?

user brixy_
brixy_ 17 years ago

so sad that it don't work on my flash it says when I CTRL enter it :

**Error** Symbol=closerMC, layer=text, frame=1:Line 1: The class or interface 'Closer' could not be loaded.

Total ActionScript Errors: 30 Reported Errors: 30

Someone knows what to do?

user raz
raz 17 years ago

i dont understand why it wouldnt work...the target box reads ASbox.fla in the .as I dont get it...what do I do?

user raz
raz 17 years ago

i opened the folder and tried to see if the swf will work. it doesnt no lightbox comes up when you click on the pics...

user wolverene
wolverene 17 years ago

splendid work. i hope you get to a version with xml for title, description and image paths.

user dpbrasil
dpbrasil 17 years ago

I love it, and work with swf, load external swf. Perfect. Thanks, very thanks! Kind regards

user luismaria86
luismaria86 17 years ago

Muy bueno!

user lebanon
lebanon 17 years ago

Very nice ... I like it!

user wt008
wt008 17 years ago

Cameron Diaz = 10/10 for sure ;-)

Any chance of an AS2 version BTW ?;-)

user pico33
pico33 17 years ago

merci beaucoup.

user felippe.88
felippe.88 17 years ago

Very nice ... i just like that ! 10/10

user DanFelip
DanFelip 17 years ago

like it =D

user jing1
jing1 17 years ago

nice i like it, looks stylish.